Marilee's Forever Home Update

Forever Home

October 30, 2012
My namesake was so good driving home from the airport. We stopped on the way home to let her and Kenny out to potty. Fortunately he went in to the restaurant to do his. lol When we got home I carried her out of the garage and set her in the yard. The other doggies were barking from the house but were not out in the screen room as we block the doggie door off when we are gone so they don’t go outside and BARK. She went potty again and loved smelling around the yard. Then we let the dogs out. They ran to her and smelled her. It was cute to watch. She accepted them without any barking or behavior whatsoever. She is accepting and real sweet. I have not even heard her bark yet. Ok, tell me, did you have her vocal cords removed when her teeth were cleaned. lol Brought her in and she has been the perfect love bunny ever since. She is perfect. She is an eating machine. Slept in bed with me and all the doggies last night. She is so good. She gives kisses too. She is very affectionate and follows me around. I just love her cut. It is darling for her.
Love You,

November 9, 2012
Still want to let you know the little PERFECT PEKE is doing great. She is all nuzzled in like she has always been here. I still haven’t heard her bark. lol I just love her!!!!! Marilee

November 23, 2012
Marilee is still my fantastic baby. I just love her. She has fit into everything. She is also trained perfectly and has not done any no nos. She goes to the door when she wants out or goes out in the screen room as I usually have my sliding glass door open all day (wide enough for me and them to go through.. me to pick up you know what.
Have a great Thanksgiving!!!
Love you,

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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