
So you can only imagine how miserable I was. Not only just having 3 legs was hard, but being forced to have puppies was really hard on my body, I could not get up to walk with all the weight in my belly. I prayed everyday for a rescue angel to come and save me. I don't remember how old I am, No one ever had birthday parties for me, so I think I'm around 10 years old now, at least that what Dr. Stasiak says.. That makes me not only a special needs girl, but a special senior girl too.
On a cold winter day in 2005 my prayer was answered. I was taken to a home called Peke A Tzu Rescue, along with my sister's Abbey and Mischief. Mischief found her forever home right away but Abbey was in terrible pain, she was filled with cancer. Auntie Jan who is our rescue director, loved Abbey very much and held her close in her arms as she crossed the bridge to be with our heavenly pupster sisters and brothers.
At Peke a Tzu Rescue there were NO cages, anywhere! I got to sleep on a warm, soft, comfy doggie bed, I also got to cuddle with Auntie Jan in bed. I couldn't believe it. Even though I can't see I could tell there was alot of love in this home. For a while I thought I too might have crossed the bridge to heaven. Then I realized I was given a second chance to give love and be loved.
After living in a cage all my life, I never knew what it was like to have real grass under my paws. Wow, it was great. I started to learn how to go potty outside. As I spent my time with Auntie Jan and Unkie Bruce I was able to forget all of the bad things that ever happened to me. My hair grew back and my eyes healed from the infections, I still can't see but that's ok, although I do have to have eye drops twice a day for the rest of my life. Auntie Jan and Unkie Bruce took wonderful care of me.
I kept hearing about my fellow pupster brothers and sisters being adopted and going to their forever homes. I was a little sad because I wanted to know what this "Forever Home" thing meant that I kept hearing about. I figured no one wanted me because of my special needs and handicap. Oh well, I knew that I would still be loved and protected living out my life of retirement at Peke A Tzu Rescue.
In the fall of 2005, Auntie Jan said she wanted to have a talk with me. I had no idea what it was about. Then she said those magical words to me: "Gigi, you have a forever home!" I will never forget it. My new mommy found me on the Peke a Tzu Rescue website. She said that I was beautiful and instantly knew I was meant to be with her forever.
When the day came and I arrived at my forever home, I found I had 2 other Tzu sister's, Snuggles 12, and Yashi 6. I have a human mom and dad, Lesley and Jim, 2 human sisters . Lindsey & Kylie and a brother Spencer.
It took me a couple of days to learn my way around my new home but soon I was running fast and free and playing all the time.I can even run up and down the stairs in our home.It may take me a tad longer than my pupster sisters but I still make it. I sleep in my mom and dad's warm cozy bed with my other pupsters sisters. I know right where the door is to go outside and I learned where mom keeps the treat jar. My mom can't seem to keep squeaky toys in stock because she says it's my "lively-hood". I can beat any other pup when it comes to breaking the squeaky in a toy. My record is 5 seconds. I was so excited at Christmas when mom and dad got me my own Stocking to hang by the fireplace with my name on it. I opened presents, (all squeaky toys) and loved every one of them. Since we never knew what day I was born, my mom has a party for me on the day I was adopted every year now.... My family does so many things with us pups. I get to ride on a pontoon boat, go for trips in a motorhome, and spend time with alot of relatives. About 6 months after my adoption my mom and dad adopted another pup from Peke A tzu rescue, her name is Pebbles.
My life is now complete. I am told everyday that I will never go back to living in the horrible breeding conditions from which I came. I am told every day, all day, that I am loved, I am beautiful and no one can ever hurt me again. I am given tons and tons of hugs and kisses too...
You see, beauty doesn't always mean on the outside, being young, having a perfect body or perfect eyes or perfectly flat belly.. I have a disability and it doesn't matter to me or my mom and dad. They love me so much just the way I am. I'm now living the remainder of my life in true happiness.
I even get to model these things for boys dogs called bellybands that my mom makes for the Peke A tzu Rescue Gift Shop. Check them out at 911 Belly Bands, they're very cute. How many models do you ever see that are missing a leg?
I smile all the time, Mom call's me "Smiley" alot, that's a good thing because I'm so happy. I am so thankful for Peke A Tzu Rescue and all those involved that saved my life. I am truly happy now and will be forever.....
Just because those of us with special needs are not perfect doesn't mean we can't give love....Please remember the special needs and senior babies when considering an addition to your family. Some of the senior and special needs pups may never be adopted which is very sad,,, so please remember to help them with their continuing vetting care, sponsor a baby if you cannot add a new member to your home. We all deserve to be given a chance.
Love forever,

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