Early Goodbyes
We are always on the go,
But our favorite time is at night you know.
We snuggle in for the evening side by side and close,
And we share our wonderful day with Mom as we lay nose to nose.
We tell her about this beautiful butterfly and bee,
That we saw flying with wings spread so free.
Then there is the ant that is crawling along,
Even as it is working it sings such a beautiful song.
We ask Mom why some of us are here longer than others,
And she tells us about the Rainbow Bridge that is full of wonders.
She says there are so many running, playing and pain free in this place,
All have such a happy smile on their face.
God calls some of us to meet him at the Rainbow Bridge at an early age,
For he feels we are needed there rather than here on earth to help in other ways.
This helps those of us left behind to say goodbye sooner than we would like to some of our friends.
For we know that they are romping, playing, happy and whole once again.
By Jan Collins © 7-7-06
Chrissy, greet all of those you meet with your tender smile and soft kisses. That in itself will help so many others. We love you sweetie.