Left To Die
Tied to a post and left to die,
I began to feel it was my time to say goodbye.
Matted to the skin and covered in dirt,
Barely able to move because of the hurt.
I prayed and prayed for someone to come along,
Who would give me a home where I would belong.
As the hours passed I felt the end drawing near,
Wait, is that a human voice that I hear?
Suddenly gentle hands were stroking me,
And a sweet voice said as she knelt on her knees,
Have no fear sweet little one for I have arrived,
To help you heal so you will survive.
The next few days were nothing but a blur,
Bathing, love and good food were given by her.
As time passed my body and mind gradually healed,
During our outings I would run like the wind in the open fields.
The past ten years have been pure bliss,
Full of cuddles, hugs and every evening a good night kiss.
I leave this world contented and at peace,
My love for my rescue angel will never cease.
© Jan Collins 7-23-13
Our sweet little poo poo卭h, how you will be missed.