Miley's Forever Home Update

Forever Home

November 9, 2015
Miley had his first walk. He doesn’t seem too comfortable walking with a leash, but I think he is just nervous about all the new surroundings. We stood outside on the grass for about ½ hour before he was willing to pee. But he pooped right away (when we got inside). He’s not too sure about these new folks (us). But he’s sitting on Mama’s lap. We’re letting him explore around his new home.

November 10, 2015
He will go for a walk with us – as long as we want to go the direction HE wants to go. Just a little bit ago, I was walking him in the grass across the drive, using the retractable leash. He was having a good time wandering around until I decided he was starting to wander a bit too close to the drive and put on the lock. When he walked against the pull, he just STOPPED and sat down and glared at me. After staring at each other for about 5 minutes, I picked him up and carried him over to our raised bed gardens – an area that is quite securely fenced (we don’t want rabbits getting into the garden) and let him off the leash for a little while. He wandered around, but continued to glare at me. I’m not sure that he’s forgiven me yet for stopping him from going into the drive. He is definitely strong willed. But he is such a sweetheart. He slept on our pillow all night last night. We have our bed pushed up against a window and keep the window open a crack through the night. I think he was getting used to all the new smells.
Ralph & Linda

November 13, 2015
Hello Auntie Jan:
I am sitting on Mommy’s lap (my favorite place to be). Today, I went to my own vet and was checked over. I am beginning to get “the hang” of walking on a leash and my new “no-tug” collar is really helping. It was very cold out today and I wore my new coat with a fur collar and hood! Everyone here oohs and aahs at me and I am very good at letting them pet me (actually, all this attention is quite nice). One of our neighbors took a picture of me and put it on our Village’s television station. So, I am being introduced as the “newest resident”. This evening, I started to play with some of my new toys and drug the squirrel into my bed. Say “hi” to all my friends there and tell them that I am happy. Thank you for giving me my new life.
Love, Miley

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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