Our Brave Little Man
I was ten years old when I arrived and was a horrible mess,
Why my owner had not cared for me properly is anyone’s guess.
Flea ridden, nails growing into my pads and a large growth on my side,
Did not stop me from holding my head up with pride.
Within hours from arriving I was bathed and clean,
Oh My, I felt so good if you know what I mean.
Major surgery was definitely a must,
So my new Mom immediately contacted a vet she could trust.
Mom seriously thought about what to decide,
For to remove the large growth meant opening my whole side.
I looked up at her with beseeching eyes,
Go ahead with the surgery for I do not want to die.
After two days at the vets I came home in a body wrap,
I was so exhausted all I wanted to do was take lots of naps.
As the days progressed I became stronger and stronger,
And before I knew it I did not hurt any longer.
I romped, played and cuddled with all of my sisters and brothers,
Life was great and I couldn’t imagine a life with any others.
As the years passed age began to take its’ toll and I knew it was time,
To say farewell to the family that had become mine.
Please Mom look into my eyes as we say goodbye and do not shed so many tears,
If not for you I wouldn’t have been so loved for seven wonderful years.
By Jan Collins© 8-3-11
Spud, our sweet little man, it saddens us that we were unable to find you a Forever Home
for someone missed out on seven of the most wonderful years that could have been spent being loved by you.
We will never forget your sweet kisses and your warm body next to ours. Take care our brave little soul…until we meet again.