Sadie's Forever Home Update

December 2005

December 20, 2005
Hi Jan and Bruce,
I wanted to let you know that pictures of our beautiful Sadie are on their way!!!! Finally - right? So sorry that it took me so long but I decided just to copy them on their own - you can put some up in your home!!!
Sadie is wonderful and is loved sooo much - what a blessing she is with the best personality in the world!!!!! Thank you again for allowing her to be such a wonderful part of my life for I can't imagine life without her!!!!!
Love to both of you,
P.S. You can see she has really filled out with no more bare spots and a real fluffy tail - God how I love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 4, 2005
Hi Jan,
Hope that all is going well. My power unit broke on my computer so I have been lost without it.
Amber, my daughter who has the digital camera has been studying for her pharmacy boards and working fulltime so please know how awful I feel that I have not sent you pictures of our sweet Sadie!!!!!!!!!! - who at last get to know me visit with her new vet weighed in at 13lbs 9oz - her hair is filling in beautifully - she is just gorgeous - and how I love her so!!!!! She plays so well with her brothers and sisters and we go for rides which she loves!!!!!!!!! When she is resting she likes to stay close to me which of course warms my heart - I know that she knows how much I love her !!!! She does sleep on our bed at night with Angel, Matty, Becky and mom and dad!!!! Sammy likes to sleep on his dog bed. Amber sleeps with Molly and Ben and guess what she bought a furbaby Zoe another Shih Tzu!!!!!!
Amber is moving out next month so she will take Zoe with her and how I will miss them both - Of course we will all jump in the car and visit often!!!!
I promise you that I will get pictures to you one way or another!!!!!
Tonight we head down to our cottage for the weekend !!!! So next week I will email again and keep my promise to donate money to you for your sweetheart who needs eye surgery!!!! AND don't think that I have forgotten about Aleasa!!!!!!!!!!
Fondly, Sandy

October 2005

October 18, 2005
Hi Jan,
I wanted to update you on our precious Sadie - last week she met her new vet and she was so good - she has gained weight and now weighs 13.9lbs!!!!!!!! Dr Rousseau is just crazy about her but of course we know that she is just so easy to love!!!!!!!!!!! She is such a good little girl - again we just adore her. She is happy - plays so well with her brothers and sisters and we just love how she stands on her hind legs and waves to you with both of her front paws - she just makes me smile all the time!!!!!!!!!! Please know that she is safe,healthy and loved soooooooo much!!!!
She just gets so excited when any other family member returns home - she barks up a storm!!!!!!!! Will email again soon.

October 10, 2005
Hi Jan,
I have goose bumps as I write this update on Sadie - my sweetheart. First, she loved her ride down to our cottage!!!! - she was just so GOOD - she took a little nap and when she opened her eyes Mom was right there - her tail started wagging and I got lots of loving Sadie kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When she arrived at the cottage we went for a walk and she did her business!!!!!!!! Then when we went inside she got her treat!!!!!!!!!!!! She has been so happy playing with her brothers and sisters and she is really starting to play with all the toys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right now as I write to you she is napping by my side - she is my sweet baby and such a friend. She just loves everybody - Bob is crazy about her and Amber,Kory and of course Jeremy are with us - they all love her so much and she gives them tons of kisses too!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan, I don't even have enough words to tell you how much I love her and she loves me I know!!!!! She is a treasure!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is eating very well and drinking well also. I think that she has put on a little weight already!!!!!!!!!!!
I promise that I will email you this week with another update!!!!!!!!!!
Love to both of you and to all your sweet babies!!!!!!!!!

October 7, 2005
Hi Jan,
We cannot even begin to tell you how much we love Sadie!!!!!!!!!!! She is without a doubt the sweetest sweetheart in all the world!!!!!!!!!!
Sadie and I went shopping last night at a pet supply store and she was sooooooo good and she got lots of goodies - toys ( as if I don't have enough with the other 6 dogs - right?) and lots more. I just can't do enough for her because she warms my heart so much - she truly loves me - her tail wags and I always get tons of kisses!!! She is my baby - my sweet,sweet baby!!!!!!!!!!
She is doing great with all of the other dogs and they play and run and that warms my heart so much too - because I know that she is happy. She is eating very well and drinking well also. She loves to go for walks and I just can't tell you how much she has fulfilled my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again Jan - thank you sooooooooo much for choosing my application. I promise that she will always be adored and loved and cared for in the best way possible!!!!!!!!!
Promise to send pictures soon - this weekend Sadie is of course coming with the family to our cottage on Cape Cod. So she will be with me in my car for I can't let her out of my sight for more than a minute because we love each other sooo much!!!
Love to you and your husband for all of your tender loving care - I can tell how much you both cared for her - loving wise and health wise and adjusting care after she was surrendered to you and thank God she was for I cannot imagine my life without her.

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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