Peke A Tzu Rescue
2011 Calendar Photo Contest

We would like to feature your babies in our 2011 calendar. We reached out to everyone and asked them to send us a photo that we could present to all of you. We received a great response and now we are leaving it up to you to choose which of these darling babies will be featured in the Peke A Tzu Rescue 2011 calendar. We will make the decision based on voting for the baby of your choice.

Each vote will be generated by a $2 donation to Peke A Tzu Rescue. All proceeds will be applied to the cost of creating the calendar and will be tax deductible. We encourage everyone to be generous and donate at least 5 votes ($10) and help your favorite contestant win. We will update the votes daily for each contestant so you can see if your favorite contestant is in the lead. Voting will end at midnight EST on Friday, September 10, 2010. To vote, click on the photo of your favorite contestant to donate via Paypal or mail a check payable to Peke A Tzu Rescue, including the contestant's name to:
Peke A Tzu Rescue
Jan Collins
PO Box 1
Trufant, MI 49347

We deeply appreciate everyone that continues to help our foster pupsters and a special hug to those adoptive parents who have welcomed our pupsters into their hearts and homes.

Jan & Bruce Collins

2011 Calendar Photo Contestants

Vote for EmilyVote for Brodie & LeonardoVote for Maia
Vote for MitziVote for TinkyVote for Hershey & Lola
Vote for Perry, Kelsey & CharleyVote for Smiley, Stella, Zorro, Winston, Sammy & Tucker Vote for Lana & Shimmer
Vote for LeonardoVote for SuzetteVote for Saxon
Vote for TulipVote for Noela & MaiaVote for Leonardo & Brodie
Vote for SebastianVote for HannahVote for Shasta & Pepsi
Vote for LayaVote for KoriVote for Hope
Vote for HalieVote for NoelaVote for Jena
Vote for HappyVote for KianaVote for Angel
Vote for LokiVote for KeeganVote for Jolyn
Vote for PrancieVote for Pixie & TootieVote for Bambi, Olivia & Mitzie
Vote for Sol y Sombra, Sophie, Sugar, Mouse, Lamb Chop & MonkeyVote for Baxter, Brent, KC & Bumble Bee MomSabrina

Current Total of Votes Per Contestant
0    Emily 0     Brodie & Leonardo 0     Maia
0    Mitzi 0    Tinky 0    Hershey & Lola
0     Perry, Kelsey & Charley 0    Smiley, Stella, Zorro, Winston, Sammy & Tucker 20    Lana & Shimmer
0    Leonardo 0     Suzette 5     Saxon
0     Tulip 0     Noela & Maia 0    Leonardo & Brodie
0     Sebastian 0     Hannah 0     Shasta & Pepsi
0     Laya 0     Kori 0    Hope
0     Halie 0     Noela 0     Jena
0     Happy 0     Kiana 0     Angel
10     Loki 0     Keegan 0     Jolyn
0     Prancie 25     Pixie & Tootie 0     Bambi, Olivia & Mitzie
0     Sol y Sombra, Sophie, Sugar, Mouse, Lamb Chop & Monkey 0     Baxter, Brent, KC & Bumble Bee Mom 0     Sabrina

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Copyright © 2010, Peke A Tzu Rescue.  All Rights Reserved.
Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
Photos of Photo Contestants belong to their servants.
Do not take anything from the site without permission.