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Peke A Tzu Rescue Candle Lighting Ceremony

Lighting A Candle
Our pets fill our lives with so much joy and parting is always so difficult.
A solitary candle brings light to the darkness.

Lighting a candle is a sacred ritual in many different traditions and religions.
The flickering candle is a symbol of hope and remembrance and ignites something deep within us.

We invite you to light a candle in memory of your beloved pet.
Please contact us with a short write up in remembrance of your pet and include a picture at least 800 pixels wide. Please email this information to Jan Collins at pekeatzurescue@charter.net

September 26, 1994 – June 1, 2007

It has been over a year and a half since you traveled to the Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts still ache each day for you. You were such a special little girl who filled every single one of our days with so much happiness.
How we wish we could feel your sweet kisses once again, see your happy butt, hear you talking to us the way only you could and feel your warm body next to ours.
We light this candle in remembrance of one of the most wonderful, loyal and loving companions anyone could have had in their lives.
Know that you will never be forgotten and will be loved through eternity.

Mom and Dad

June 30, 1992– July 1, 2008

Do you remember when you first arrived and you would not allow us to touch you, but you loved to go for rides? For three months I would lure you out to the car so I could at least feel your soft body as I lifted you into the car until you caught on to me. After about 9 months you would at least allow a few pets and cuddles. What a joy it was to be able to hold you close for brief moments! Your knickname at the vet was Kujo...so much anger packed in such a little body. And oh, what an experience at bath time and grooming. As the years passed I didn't have to dodge the bites as often and little by little you mellowed and realized how much we truly loved you. Faint scars remain from your bites, but I touch them tenderly for they were a part of you. Your first kiss was the greatest present we have ever received.
Though there were many difficult days, you filled our lives with joy our Sweet Kina. We shall meet again in a much better place.
We Will Love You Forever,

Mom and Dad

July 4, 1993 - May 9, 2008

My very best friend. Six months later, new puppy later (I knew you'd not want me to be alone). She's a Shih Tzu female, black and white, just like you were, but sooooooo different! She chews! She always wants to play. I don't remember you being so energetic, but you probably were. But, thank you for never chewing on furniture! This new one does! "New one" is named Mylo.
Mitzy, I miss you so much. I think about you every day. People talk about the "unconditional love" that a pet gives. As you know, I was 23 before I ever had my first pet so I really didn't know what they were talking about before you came along. Thank you so much for loving me with all of my faults. I hope they have Christmases in doggy heaven and Santa brings you Beggin' Strips.
Happy Holidays, Mitzy. I'll always love you.


July 10, 2001 – September 13, 2008

Kody came into our lives very unexpectedly,and very quickly in July of 2008.He was a huge,tattered,smelly mass of matted hair. He had survived, his other two companions did not. He was no longer needed. How can humans be so cruel???

It didn't take long to fall in love with the little guy, except for his new sister, Pickles (but that is the" Yorkie thing" in her taking over). But she soon gave in and they became walking buddies and played tug of war and wrestling.

Kody was a happy go lucky little guy and I loved him. He'd run around, always with a toy in his mouth. There was always a toy trail from the living room to the kitchen and to the back door,and when he decided that I'd slept enough he'd pull the blanket right off from me!

As quickly as he arrived into our family,is as quickly as he left us,so unexpectedly. He blessed us for two months and 3 days.

Kody has taught me something...it seems if you sit back and think...animals always teach us something. For me it was life is given and you don't know how long you have, so forget the past of regrets and pain,and look to the blessings that you now have and live life to the fullest!! Throw some toys around and pull off some covers!! It seems so much easier for dogs to do, and harder for humans to grasp!! Kody was living proof of that!!!!

Having Kody was the happiest 2 months (sometimes trying) that I have had and I trust he had a nice time with us.

Kody is truly missed ..........With much love and and too few memories, BUT great ones!


August 31, 2000 to October 30, 2008

If Tears could build a Stairway
Memories a Lane,
I'd Walk right up to heaven
And bring you home again.

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