Peke A Tzu Rescue
Rainbow Bridge Photo Contest

This Photo Contest is dedicated to our Rolex who left us on June 1st of this year and is enjoying the company of all your babies. We know that Rolex would want all donations to be applied to continued vetting and holistic care for all of the babies that we love so much.

All of us have felt the grief as we have said goodbye to one of our little ones. They give of themselves unselfishly and only ask that we love them in return. There is a special place that our beloved pet companions journey to and are patiently waiting for us. Many call this place the Rainbow Bridge, others may not have a specific name, but all of us know that our babies are waiting to be reunited with us.
This Photo Contest is a special tribute devoted specifically to the babies who have left us and are now romping and playing at the Rainbow Bridge patiently waiting for us to enfold them in our arms once again.
Contest Rules
All Contestant Entries are free. You are welcome to submit as many Rainbow Bridge Pupster Photos as you would like. The Photo Contest begins on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 and ends at midnight EST Wednesday, September 12, 2007. Please email contestant photos to Jennifer at Be sure to include your pupster's first and last name. (Photos need to be at least 400 pixels wide.)
We will update the votes daily for each Contestant so you can see if your favorite Contestant is in the lead. To vote for your favorite Pupster Contestant, click on their photo. Each vote costs $2 and can be paid via paypal. We encourage everyone to be generous and donate at least 5 votes ($10) and help your favorite Contestant win. All donations (votes) are tax deductible.
Contest Prizes
At the end of the contest, the 3 winning contestants with the largest number of votes (donations) will win the following:
  • 1st Place: A Rainbow Bridge Web Page featuring your Bridge Babies, designed by Jen Boyd and Colleen Nicholson's book, "Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Animal Journeys to Heaven".

  • 2nd Place: Colleen Nicholson's book, "Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Animal Journeys to Heaven" and a $35 value gift certificate for a 20 minute Animal Communication phone consultation with Colleen Nicholson.

  • 3rd Place: Colleen Nicholson's book, "Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Animal Journeys to Heaven".

  • We are very excited about these prizes as we know many people who have greatly benefited from Colleen's animal communication sessions, including Jen, Lesley, Jan, Christine, Eunmi, Marilee and Dr. Courtney Cone. Colleen's book will help heal your pain from the loss of a beloved baby as well as give you some precious insight to what our babies think and feel about their humans.

    If you prefer to vote and donate by personal check, please
    make your check payable to Peke A Tzu Rescue
    and mail to:
    Peke A Tzu Rescue
    16130 West Stanton Road
    Trufant, MI 49347
    Include the name of your favorite contestant along with
    your email address so we can email to confirm donation.

    Wait,who is that knocking at my mind's door?
    Someone I thought I would see no more.

    "Tis my little one that I miss so much,
    Returning on a soft breeze with a loving touch.

    It was a joy to talk to you once again,
    And find out how things are and where you have been.

    I can close my eyes and now sleep peacefully at night,
    For you will always be close to me and I know you are alright.

    © Jan Collins, July 2007

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    Copyright © 2007, Peke A Tzu Rescue.  All Rights Reserved.
    Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
    Photos of Photo Contestants belong to their servants.
    Do not take anything from the site without permission.