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Diet Supplements
We highly recommend the following supplements and suggest that you research your pet's individual health concerns to find their supplemental needs. Variety is important with supplements just as it is with the dog's diet. We recommend that you rotate the supplements. For example, we may add kelp to the diet for two months and then add Kefir for the next two months and take a break on the kelp.
To get you started on your supplement research, we suggest B Naturals, our favorite holistic supplement website. They also have an archive of excellent articles including one on Vitamins and Supplements.

  • Alfalfa - is high in amino acids, and in vital minerals including iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphours, chlorine and silicon, plus 8 enzymes known to support food assimilation and enhance overall health. It helps arthritis, gastritis, cancer & liver disease.

  • CoQ10 - excellent for heart or kidney disease

  • DMG (Dimethylglycine)

  • Digestive Enzyme - aids digestion of protein, fat & carbohydrates

  • Garlic (1/4 to 1/2 clove of raw garlic a day) - for bacterial & fungal infections & arthritis

  • Glucosamine & Chondroitin for arthritis & joint problems

  • Raw Honey

  • Kelp - ocean seaweed that contains 60 minerals, natural vitamins and health factors, including vitamins (A, B2, B3, C, D, E), minerals (Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron), iodine, amino acids, alginic acid, laminarin, polysaccharides and polyphenols

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Salmon Oil) along with 200 IUs vitamin E - for heart disease & arthritis

  • Bragg's Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (unfiltered is best) 1/2 tsp per day

  • Probiotics or Kefir

  • Vitamins - B complex, E, C, A & calcium (vitamin link info below)

  • Supplements for Home Cooked Diet

    Antioxidants play a Key Role in Preventing Disease
    Vitamin A is manufactured by humans and animals from pigment substances called carotenes, which are commonly found in plants. Vitamin A is fat-soluble.
    Vitamin A is essential for:
    Supporting healthy eyesight
    Maintaining healthy skin and mucous membrane
    Growth and proper digestion
    The production of red and white corpuscles in the blood
    Growth and repair of body tissues
    Protecting the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs, thereby reducing susceptibility to infections
    Protecting against environmental pollutants
    Aiding in bone and teeth formation
    A deficiency of vitamin A may result in night blindness; increased susceptibility to infections; rough, dry, scaly skin; loss of smell and appetite; fatigue; lack of eye-tearing; and defective teeth and retarded gum growth.

    Vitamin A is especially beneficial to aging animals, and those suffering from respiratory problems (asthma, bronchitis), and atopic dermatitis.

    Caution: An overdose of vitamin A can be toxic. Signs of toxicity include anorexia, weight loss, sensitivity to touch, and loss of bone density, which may cause fractures.

    Mixed Carotenoids contains antioxidants found in carotenoid-rich foods. Carotenoids are the red, orange and yellow plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables their vivid colors. All fruits and vegetables contain varying concentrations of carotenoids, but their colors are often covered up by green chlorophyll contained in the plant. There are more than 600 different naturally occurring carotenoids. Some of them have been identified as playing a vital role by protecting cells and tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals and singlet oxygen. Carotenoids have also been shown to enhance immune system function, and inhibit the development of certain types of cancers.

    Lycopene, the carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red color, is particularly effective at quenching the destructive free radical singlet oxygen. Lutein and zeaxanthin, found in corn and leafy greens such as kale and spinach, provide antioxidant protection in the macular region of the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthin have been found to reduce the incidence of cataracts. A deficiency of carotenoids may result in vision problems, especially cataracts.

    Mixed carotenoids are especially beneficial to animals with cancer, cataracts and other eye disorders, respiratory problems and allergies.

    Vitamin C is the body’s primary water-soluble antioxidant, which makes it an important weapon in the immune system’s arsenal against bacteria and viruses. It also helps protect unsaturated fatty acids, and the fat-soluble vitamins A and E from being oxidized, therefore protecting their potency. Since your pet can’t manufacture it, vitamin C must be obtained through diet and supplementation.

    A protective vitamin essential to over-all body health, vitamin C is especially important for neutralizing free radicals. It also:
    Helps in the production of collagen, and maintaining healthy skin
    Promotes the healing of wounds, scar tissue, fractures
    Strengthens blood vessels
    Helps the body utilize iron and folic acid
    Supports the thymus gland
    Enhances T-cell production, increasing resistance to viral and bacterial infections, and some allergies
    A deficiency of vitamin C may result in bleeding gums, swollen or painful joints, slow healing of wounds and fractures, the tendency to bruise or bleed in any part of the body, and scurvy.
    Vitamin C is especially beneficial to animals with any type of chronic disease, infection, allergy or dermatitis.

    Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) is a major antioxidant nutrient that occurs in both plant and animal tissue. It is fat-soluble and:
    Acts in the body to protect red blood cells, vitamin A and unsaturated fatty acids from oxidation damage
    Helps maintain healthy membrane tissue
    Retards cellular aging due to oxidation
    Supplies oxygen to the blood, which is then carried to the heart and other organs, thus alleviating fatigue
    Brings nourishment to cells
    Strengthens the capillary walls
    A deficiency of vitamin E may lead to a rupture of red blood cells, loss of reproductive powers, abnormal fat deposits in muscles, degenerative changes in the changes in the heart and other muscles; and dry skin.
    It is especially beneficial to aging animals, and animals with heart disease, cancer and atopic dermatitis.

    Selenium is a mineral and a major antioxidant nutrient. Selenium:
    Protects cell membranes and helps prevent free radical generation
    Preserves tissue elasticity
    Slows down the aging and hardening of tissues due to oxidation
    Helps in the treatment and prevention of dry, flaky skin
    A deficiency of selenium may result in premature aging, heart disease, dry, flaky skin and sagging skin.

    Selenium is especially beneficial to animals being treated with corticosteroids, which are known to deplete selenium. Selenium is also beneficial to animals suffering from cancer (and as a cancer preventative) and to those diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease.

    Caution: Selenium can be toxic in overdose. Signs of toxicity including vomiting, anorexia, nervousness, staggering gait, weakness and difficulty breathing.

    Grape seed extract (GSE) (Vitis Vinnifera) is an extract from grape seeds from red grapes. Grape seeds have a high content of compounds called oligomeric proanthocyanidins— better known as OPCs, which are potent antioxidants. Because of their simple chemical structure, OPCs are readily absorbed into the bloodstream.

    Grape seed extract:
    Protects the body from premature aging and disease
    Supports healthy skin
    Promotes cellular health, elasticity, and flexibility
    Improves blood circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries, and veins
    Reduces risk of cataracts
    Protects against cancer
    Provides cardiovascular support
    Grade seed extract is especially beneficial to aging animals, and animals with cataracts, cancer and heart disease.

    On the Safety of Grape Seed Extract: Grapes and raisins have been of much debate in the past few years. Here is a short quote from the Veterinary Information Network board posts ”Ingestion of grapes or raisins has been associated with acute renal failure in dogs. Anecdotal evidence suggests that cats may also be affected… Being a fructose sugar, it is quickly eliminated through the kidneys where it reaches high tissue levels. It then causes a certain cell “power house” called the mitochondria to open and allow calcium to enter.” This causes the mitochondria to stop functioning, therefore the death of the cell. “Recent unpublished data indicates that the toxic component is water soluble, and within the flesh of the grape/raisin, not the seed. Thus the current thinking is that grape seed may be safe to use.”

    Grape seed is often found with antioxidant supplements used for human cancer treatments. The seed induces the cell deaths of highly replicating cancer cells. There was a study done on men with prostate carcinoma which showed approximately 90% inhibition of the pathways that induces the growth of the cancer cells.

    The flavanoids in the seed are known to reduce inflammation, and support the immune system particularly with respiratory issues, allergies, and skin problems. It has been used in cats and dogs successfully without any reported problems.

    Milk Thistle Extract, from the bright pink-flowered thistle that grows wild along roadsides, is the favorite herbal liver protector. Valued for its medicinal and nutritional properties for more than 2000 years, milk thistle has been commonly used to treat liver diseases since the Middle Ages. Today, more than 150 clinical studies have shown that milk thistle has a beneficial effect on the liver in humans and in animals.

    Milk thistle extract blocks the entrance of harmful toxins and helps to remove these toxins from liver cells. Milk thistle's active ingredient—silymarin—works as a powerful antioxidant, and has also been shown to regenerate injured liver cells by inducing new DNA and RNA synthesis.

    Milk thistle:
    Promotes the flow of bile, which helps emulsify fats
    Protects the outer membrane of liver cells
    Provides antioxidant protection to limit free radical damage
    Regenerates damaged liver cells
    Milk thistle extract is especially beneficial to animals with liver disease or damage, and to all animals as a protectant against environmental chemicals and pollutants.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a sulfur-containing fatty acid naturally produced in your pet's body in trace amounts. It's often called the "universal antioxidant" because unlike most other antioxidants—vitamin C for instance, which works only in water, and vitamin E, which works only in fat—ALA, works in both water and fatty tissues. Thus, ALA can provide antioxidant protection to all your pet's cells and parts of its body, including the brain. ALA can also recycle or restore other oxidized forms of antioxidants—including vitamin C and vitamin E— back to their active states.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid:
    Exerts its powerful and unique antioxidant protection throughout the body
    Restores mitochondrial and cellular antioxidant protection
    Restoring numerous biological functions that are diminished with aging
    Helps prevent cataracts
    Alpha lipoic acid is especially beneficial to aging animals, and to those with cataracts.

    Why Does my Pet Need an Antioxidant Supplement?
    Unlike people who—hopefully—eat a diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants, most dogs and cats eat commercial pet food containing a minimal amount of antioxidants. Whether your dog or cat is healthy or fighting a disease, an antioxidant supplement can provide immune support, protect it from environmental toxins, and may even help prolong its life.

    Home Cooking
    If you can not buy the frozen pre-made raw dog food or follow an approved raw diet formula, the second option for feeding your dog a nutritious and healthy meal is to cook for your dog. With the latest scare of the industrial chemical melamine and cyanuric acid in the wheat gluten from China, we decided to share our home made dog food recipe with others. One of the main concerns in home cooking is to balance the calcium and phosphorus. Dogs need fatty meats, a certain percentage of organ meats and bones; therefore, incorporating these into the diet is mandatory.

    Variety is important as different home cooked recipes may contain different levels of nutrients. If you always feed the same protein source, any nutritional deficiencies or excesses present in that protein will affect your dog over time. Your dog is also more likely to develop food allergies if fed the same food all the time. It takes time for an allergy to develop, typically months to years. Dogs that are fed the same food for extended periods of time can develop allergies to one or more of the ingredients in that food.

    Our Recipe
    Below are websites that have home cooked recipes designed for dogs.
    Healthy Adult Diet
    Have Dinner In
    Balancing A Homemade Diet
    Cooked Diet

    Special Needs Diets
    Dogs with arthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, heart, kidney or liver disease need a special diet designed to control the disease. Senior dogs also have special diet concerns. In the past, a low protein diet was recommended for seniors and dogs with liver disease, but research has proven that this is incorrect.
    Is a Low Protein Diet Necessary?

    Below is a great research source from canine nutritional consultant, Linda Arndt. It includes links for many health concerns.
    Linda Arndt's Nutritional List

    Please take time to do the research and give your dog the diet and nutritional supplements they deserve.

  • Diet & Supplements for Arthritis

  • Supplements for Arthritis

  • Cancer
  • Diet & Supplements for Cancer

  • Heart Disease
  • Natural Support for Heart Problems in Dogs & Cats

  • Nutritional Therapy in the Treatment of Heart Disease in Dogs

  • Heart Healthy Diet

  • Supplements for Heart Disease

  • Hawthorn and Dandelion help strengthen & support your pet's heart

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diet & Supplements for Hypothyroidism

  • Gastrointestinal Disease
  • IBD, IBS & other Gastrointestinal Disease

  • Kidney Disease
  • Diet & Supplements for Kidney Disease

  • Kidney Disease in Dogs

  • Diet for Kidney Needs

  • Liver Disease
  • Diet & Supplements for Liver Disease

  • Epilepsy & Seizures
    Dogs with Seizures Diet

    Senior Dogs
  • Diet & the Older Dog

  • Senior Dogs & Special Needs

  • Yeast Infections
  • Diet & Supplements for Yeast Infections

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    Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.