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Peke A Tzu Rescue's
Tribute to Seniors

This page is dedicated to all Senior Rescue Dogs who deserve to be loved and cared for during their final years.
We invite all of you to send a picture and a story of your Rescued Senior Pupster so that we can post on this page. Please, everyone, as you read these stories open up your hearts. If you have an older dog and no longer feel you want them, do not send them to a shelter or consider euthanasia , there are so many of us out here that will take them into our homes and smother them with love for the time they have left. Also if you choose to turn one of your younger dogs over to a breeder, visit the facilities, check everything out to make sure that living conditions are clean and that the dog will be loved and taken care of properly.

Marc Sr. was born in June 1988 and left us for Rainbow Bridge on December 16, 2003. Marc Sr. was nearly blind and so frail when he arrived in our home. He had once been a finished Champion and then was sold to a so called reputable breeder. Marc was used for breeding purposes only and was crated for years, not seeing the sun or feeling grass beneath his feet. Marc may have been nearly blind, covered with moles and lumps, crooked teeth, but he had so much love to give. His last days and months were filled with unconditional love and he returned that to us ten fold, with his wonderful smile and his always wagging tail.
The poem, written by Jan Collins, is dedicated to Marc Sr. and all of those who lived with him in unbelievably deplorable conditions for many years.

Ode to Marc Sr.
As I sit here staring out of the bars and am feeling so alone,
I wonder what ever happened to my favorite bone.

You see I was once handsome, playful, and bold
Then as years passed I began to grow old.

When I was young I was loved beyond measure,
And I was told that my home would be there forever.

As my eyes lost their glitter, my hearing declined,
My loving owners had younger pets on their mind.

As my tail wagged in anticipation for a ride in the car,
My loving owner patted me and said we aren't going very far.

We arrived at this brick building not far from home,
I was taken out of the car and left all alone.

I had only grown old, nothing more you see,
How could my loving owners turn their back on me?

As I watched through the bars with tears in my eyes,
Suddenly I felt human warmth nearby.

This wonderful person scooped me up in their arms,
They said have no fear, we will cause you no harm.

I am back home with another favorite bone,
And I will never, ever be left all alone.

For you see it was a Rescue Angel that found me,
And has promised that I will be loved through eternity.

You see it makes no difference how much time I have left,
Even though I may be blind and almost deaf.

For all of you others out there like me that have given up on love,
Just say a special prayer and your Rescue Angel will arrive from above.

By Jan Collins © 12-16-03
Dedicated to Marc Sr.
Our sweet, sweet old man,
You will always be in our Hearts.

Seniors Stories

Devin & Ivy
After the death of one of our beloved 4 rescue babies, CeCe, we knew we wanted another Yorkie baby. We started to check on petfinder.com and were blessed to find Peke A Tzu Rescue! With the anticipation of adoption we chose a little girl Ivie and a little boy, Devin both yorkies who were retired breeders. Neither of them had many teeth and Ivie had a fractured jaw, but they were the most adorable babies we had ever seen! Rescuing special needs and/or senior babies are a great joy because you get back love "tenfold" every time you walk into a room or call their name. We adopted Devin and Ivie in February of 2007 and they fit right into our home with our other 3 Yorkies and were such a joy. Sadly, 7 months after adopting Devin he left us for the Rainbow Bridge. He brought us such great joy and we feel so blessed to still have Ivie. Providing a "Forever Home" for a special needs or senior rescue baby is certainly one of life's greatest rewards!
Pam and Ed Forever Mom and Dad

Laya Laya
When I saw Laya's little face on the Peke A Tzu rescue website, I knew that she was the one. Even though she was 10 when I became her Forever Mom, I couldn't have asked for a better pup. She has become my constant companion, friend and little love. We are perfect for each other....middle aged and a bit slow. The unconditional love that she gives with the kisses and snuggles makes my heart melt. Spoiled? Absolutely!
Forever Mom Sue

Pearl Pearl
Pearl is our 8 year old maltese baby. She came to live with us, all the way from Michigan, in February 2007. We are just crazy about her. We feel so lucky that we have been able to make her senior years so enjoyable for her. She has quite the personality and has gained so much confidence since she's been with us (aka BOSSY!). It's just so rewarding to know that you are giving an older dog a new happy beginning. We highly recommend it (so does Pearl)!!
Judy and Gary Portesy

Jenny Jenny
Thanks to PekeATzu Rescue, little Jenny came into my life in mid-January of 2005. She marched right into my home, greeted Ben and Oli (my shih tzu mix and poodle mix) with a bit of pekey attitude as if to say: “I’m here boys! Aren’t you lucky!”
Considering all that Jenny had gone through before arriving at PATR, she was the one who was lucky to be meeting the two boys!
In December, 2004, Jenny had been dumped off at an area animal shelter and, fortunately, found her way to Jan Collin’s loving arms. But she was not at all well, with a baseball sized mass hanging between her legs, making walking difficult for her. She had some serious surgery performed with a diagnosis of mammary gland carcinoma. Despite all of this, she made it to the PATR adoption website.

Isabel Isabel
At Christmas, 2005, I decided I wanted to have another Pomeranian. I found myself on the internet searching rescue organizations for senior babies. In the past, I had 5 Pomeranians, Buffy, Puffy, Scruffy, Muffin and Jamie. Muffin was my last one to go to Rainbow Bridge at age 16. Prior to Muffin leaving me, I loved and enjoyed my Himalayan Cats. I had 10 Himalayan Cats. Taffy and Bunny lived to age 22. They went to Rainbow Bridge April 12 and 30, 2006. After looking at the website for rescue babies, I found my sweet, little Pomeranian. Isabel at Peke A Tzu Rescue. Isabel was 12 years old and the most beautiful little pommie with gorgeous, loving eyes. She was a puppy mill baby who lived in a huge box never seeing the beautiful scenery and sun that God created. She was rescued by PATR. Thank heaven for this dedicated rescue service who takes in with open, loving arms, these needy babies. Isabel was such a loving, happy little sweetie with so much love to give. She developed liver problems and believe me I would have done anything in the world for her and I tried. She went to Rainbow Bridge after 6 treasured months with her. I would not ever trade them. She made me a better person for loving me and showing it even though she was so sick. She never lost that forever love in her eyes.
Marilee, Forever Mom

Skyler Skyler
I hurried to get my little Skyler shortly after Isabel left me. Skyler is the most beautiful, little 10 year old Pekingese girl you could hope for. She was shown in an AKC Dog Show.
She later developed sarcoptic mange. Her owners got rid of her. She does not have the mange any longer but battles with candida albicans (yeast). She is a senior and special needs baby in that I am on a mission to rid her of this beast! I am trying different things with her topical and internal. We are succeeding. Yeah, Yeah. Her skin is returning to a pick shade instead of black and the skin has stopped peeling off like a sunburn. She is worth it and is so devoted and loving beyond belief. She has a quiet and sweet disposition that you would never know she had been suffering. She is my little statue, as she can sit forever in the same position when you hold her..just like when she was showing.
Marilee, Forever Mom

Reggie Reggie
When we got DeeDee we also got Reggie, a beautiful 8 year old Shih Tzu boy. He was turned over to PATR by his previous owner who didn’t want him any longer. He is a devoted, caring and loving teddy bear. He does not leave my side. I am always tripping over him as he moves with me. When I come home from work he greets me as a steam roller, clown who is just all over. What love!! You think I had been his Mom forever. He never, ever leaves my side.
Having a senior or special needs baby is the most rewarding, most fulfilling happy, loving experience. I would not change a thing and treasure it forever. Their love is truly unconditional and they love us for what we are, not who we are. They have so much love, hugs and kisses to give. Their love for you just exudes out of them. I also have a 10 year old Pug, Puggy Marie. My daughter found her in Atlanta at a construction site walking and falling. She stopped to pick her up and, of course, brought her to me. She could walk at first, but had trouble and would fall. Now she cannot walk. She has one front leg that actively moves which helps her to drag herself on her mat or turn a 360. I hold her food and water dish. I know God has left her with me for a reason. She is a beautiful little girl and will win your heart. I will continue to let it enrich me as a person to the best of my ability. Who knows who else I may adopt???
Marilee, Forever Mom

Isaac Isaac
After having lost my Giant Schnauzer Tigger to cancer about a year ago, I decided to add to my Shih Tzu family. During that time period a stray Shih Tzu came to our house and blended right into our doggie family. We found his rightful mother, but with the loss of him, I was on a quest to find another doggie that needed a home.
I searched the inter net for rescue Shih Tzu and found there were quite a few right here in Michigan that needed homes. Fortunately, I came upon Peke A Tzu Rescue and surfed their web site. My initial response was to find a dog that reminded me of the stray that came into our lives. Our Isaac had the look and temperament of that dog and was about 10 years old.

London London
I remember the day that one of our volunteers first picked “London” up from the shelter to bring her into the safe arms of Peke A Tzu Rescue. My heart ached when I saw the photos. Her ears were so matted that they hung to the ground; they couldn’t tell what color she was because she was so dirty; they couldn’t tell what breed she was because her hair was so overgrown and matted. London was so afraid of everything and everyone that she was not a happy camper and tried to nip at them when they came near her….not to mention that she had a major hernia that needed surgery so she was probably in pain as well. She would be gone from this earth if Peke A Tzu Rescue didn’t intervene because the shelter felt she was not adoptable.

Ling-Ling Ling-Ling
My name is Margaret and i want to tell you about my 3 senior dogs that i have adopted.
Ling-Ling was my very first shih tzu; but more importantly, she was my first rescue dog. I wanted to adopt an older dog, maybe 4-5 yrs. old, but when Ling-Ling's face came up on my computer I couldn't resist her. "How old is she", I asked. "About 8 or 9", was the answer. At first I was taken aback at her age and was quick to respond. "She seems so old! What if she doesn't live long?" The response brought me back to my senses; "Who knows how long any dog will live?" For you see, I had asked three things of the rescue organization; an older dog, a female dog and a dog that was housebroken, and Ling-Ling fit the bill!
My beloved Ling-Ling lived until she was almost 16 and for those 8 years my dear friend gave me memories to last a lifetime. I still chuckle at her little quirks and funny habits. I had to help Ling-Ling cross over the bridge in the spring of 2006 due to cancer, but I sure will miss that old gal. The rescue gave me exactly what I wanted and after all; a dog that was housetrained and a sweetheart to boot was a wonderful thing!
Read on about my next senior dog; Mei-Li below

Mei-Li Mei-Li
And then I adopted Mei-Li!
I was so taken by my first senior dog Ling-Ling that I felt I needed another. So fate stepped in, in the form of a foster angel. This sweet lady knew I was looking for another senior and she mentioned that she had just the dog for me. Another housebroken female entered my life and oh what wonderful dog she was. A sweeter dog you would never find. Mei-Li was used as a breeder dog and this was her life. When she arrived in the foster home she was quite sick, but her foster mom nursed her back to health. I cannot begin to tell you how much this one small dog affected my life. Mei-Li never asked for much in life except for a bed to sleep on and two meals a day. She was a quiet and sweet dog who touched me deeply. As a matter of fact; she became my husband's dog and adored him.
But alas, Mei-Li was only with us for 2 1/2 years; her heart gave out. But I would not trade the memories she gave us for anything....What a dog!
and then there was Tiki...

Tiki Tiki
After Mei-li went to the bridge, my Ling-Ling was lonely and so was I.
So back to the rescue I went inquiring about "another older, housebroken, female." I did wait a bit for just the right doggie to come along and come along she did! Enter Tiki! Again, I received just what I asked for and then some. My sweet Tiki is such an affectionate dog a what a guard dog she is! She has great ears and it is her sworn duty to protect "her property!" Tiki was about 9 yrs. old when I picked her up almost 2 years ago and is very spry for being 11 yrs. old. It is not always about age, but about finding the right dog that will fit into your lifestyle. I love my seniors because they are a settled lot and love just mellowing out with you. What a deal huh? I hope with you reading about my 3 special dogs that you might give a senior dog a chance. Now if you could, just trot on over to the Special Needs page and meet my one-eyed Miss Tulip.

Tulip Tulip
I had a chance meeting with a group of rescue ladies and Miss Tulip was there. She was being fostered and had been brought to the meeting. As I watched her antics I thought to myself; what a neat little dog, so feisty and full of life. I didn't notice at first that she only had one eye, the other had been lost to an infection.
Let me tell you about Miss Tulip. She is about 7 yrs. old and a 7 1/2 lb spitfire who thinks she is really a 75 lb. dog! She guards our house with great fervor and lets us know if anything is out of place. On her off hours she plays and tosses her toys with great joy and abandon. Life for her is good and having only one eye doesn't bother or slow her down. What a dog!
Please try and look beyond any dog who might only have one eye or maybe a limp, their heart is certainly in the right place and the tail will wag just as hard as any other dog. I am so glad that Miss Tulip is my dog; as I said before: what a dog!
Marg, Forever Mom

Pocco Pocco
In August of 2000, 52 dogs were impounded from a breeder in Michigan. My sister and I headed for the shelter where they were being housed. All were in deplorable condition.

We were fortunate to bring 5 of these babies home, the ones that no one else wanted. Pocco was one of the five and I took him into my heart and added him to my fold. Pocco was ten years young at the time, you wouldn't have known there was a Shih Tzu under all of the matted hair. After grooming my sister discovered that Pocco had been in a horrible fight at one time and his ear was nothing but scar tissue.... continued...

Saffie & Toby Seniors Toby Mercedez (14) and Saffie (10)
Our young 14 year old Toby “Mercedez” came into our lives in December of 1999. My sisters Scottish Terrier, Mercedez went into heart failure unexpectedly and she rushed her to the vet. As she was in the waiting room while Mercedez was fighting for her life, through her tears she saw a posting on the Bulletin Board - 9 year old Yorkie free. She grabbed the posting and stuffed it in her pocket. She lost her beloved Mercedez that day, but a few days later, even in her grief, she remembered that note she had put in her pocket and called me and said we need to save this baby. We were fortunate to arrive in time to save little Toby. ... continued...

Benny Benny
Benny was rescued by my sister Janice in August 2002, before she founded Peke A Tzu Rescue. Benny was one of 52 dogs that had been housed in an 11 by 8 foot shed stacked in crates 5 high, with 3 to 4 dogs in each crate. Benny was in horrible condition ? his nails were embedded in his pads so he could not walk he had a huge growth on his head. Surgery was performed to remove the growth and Benny lost one toe as a result of his horribly infected feet. Also he has lost many teeth due to the lack of dental care.... continued...

Ginger Ginger
A furry senior citizen I may be,
Give me a chance and I'll play happily.
Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen,
That is just the beginning for someone like me.
I may have lumps, bumps and sight that is fading,
Take me into your heart and I'll give you the highest rating.
Are you old when you become sixty-seven?
Well neither am I when I turn eleven.
So when you see a furry senior citizen,
Give me a chance and your heart I will win.
You will be blessed with the time I have left,
You will be loved by the best of the best.
Judy Davidson
January 29, 2004
... continued...

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Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
Permission given to use above photos by the pet owner.
Do not take anything from the site without permission.