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Peke A Tzu Rescue Haven
Senior and Special Needs

Meet our amazing Haven Babies Below!

Peke A Tzu Rescue is devoted to helping all babies in need, but our hearts belong to those that need us the most…the physical and mentally challenged and the seniors. We pray every day that there is someone out there for these special babies that will take them into their hearts and homes. Until that special home comes along they are part of our family and we love them dearly. We also know when we commit to these babies that they may be here with us for the rest of their lives. We offer the sanctuary and love that they need and in return they fill our lives with joy. We feel blessed to have these babies in our home to snuggle and love and will continue to devote our lives to those that need us the most.

Close your eyes for just a moment and imagine for the majority of your life being enclosed in a small cage in a dark, damp room, only valued for your body and what it can produce for the financial gain of your keeper. Then imagine living with a family your entire life and suddenly you are of no worth because you have grown older. Don't open your eyes yet! You have more to experience. How would you feel if your were blind, lost an eye or were mentally challenged and labeled as worthless? What would you do when you are suddenly in a strange place facing death? OK, you can open your eyes now and we hope this brief imaginary glimpse into the lives of those we love the most has inspired you to reach out and help.

Our society has evolved into a throw away society.
In with the new, out with the old!
Damaged goods...just throw them away...no need to repair...just buy new.
Every day we see this mental logic being applied to animals and it is so sad. Our pet community is being abused on a daily basis and many leave this earth prematurely because they are considered "worthless".

True rescue is helping those in need. Not just the young, but the seniors and special needs. This is a huge commitment not only emotionally, but financially on the part of the rescue. Sadly, many rescues will only help the highly adoptable pets in need for they will not commit to the financial responsibility of caring for those that are a long term commitment. When you come upon a rescue that posts how many pets they adopt per year and are impressed by those numbers take into consideration how many of those animals are babies and young adults.

Many question the adoption fee for our seniors and special needs feeling it would be more likely the dog would find their Forever Home if the adoption fee is less . If the adopter does not have the financial resources to pay our adoption fee how can they afford to vet the adopted dog? Our love and commitment is not just for the dog while they are within our care, but extends into their future as well. We did not know because you grow old or have a disability you are of less value. Do we view ourselves in that manner? When we grow old are we of less value? Those that have not been owned by a senior or special needs baby have missed out on one of the most pleasurable experiences they could ever have in their lifetime.

A wonderful way for those of you that maintain a lifestyle that prohibits you from physically helping these sweet kids is through sponsorship. It costs over $75.00 per month to vet, groom and feed each of our Haven Babies. Your name and location will be noted under the dog you have chosen to sponsor. You will be kept updated on a monthly basis as to how your “Haven Baby” is progressing. Sponsoring one of our Haven Babies is very fulfilling for you will be able to follow their progress as they heal emotionally and physically, grow to trust and continue to search for their Special Home that they so deserve.

Our Haven babies only ask for a monthly commitment on your part of $25.00. They are hoping you can give up a cup of coffee per day, choose not to eat out at the fast food restaurant once a week, skip that Snickers bar once a day or pass by all of those chips during the week and use that savings to sponsor one of them.
Won't you please help by sponsoring one of our sweet babies by clicking on the links below.

"Peke A Tzu Haven is where we want to be,
Everyone here is so happy and carefree."

Click on the photo for more photos of Bridgett.
*Sight Impaired, Hearing Impaired, Skin Allergies

I am an adorable 15 year old Shih Tzu girl. I was born on September 5, 2009.
According to my owner, I did not get along with her other dogs so she asked PATR to take me into their fold.
I am a good little girl and have been doing well with the other pupsters. I really enjoy snuggling close to them when I nap. I have some sight left so get around just fine and Mom makes sure I have my eye drops twice a day. I have skin allergies and also have medication to keep me from itching. I love being held and enjoy all of the laptime I can get. To maintain my excellent health, my diet is extremely important. Mom wanted to feed us the very best diet available, so Peke A Tzu Rescue became a distributor for Oma's Pride Raw Food products. I am enjoying a yummy turkey & veggie mix raw diet now. Mom alternates between turkey, beef and chicken raw diets. Please read about my special diet. Mom adds the following supplements: digestive enzymes, probiotics, kelp, DMG and salmon oil for a healthy balanced meal. I hope that my forever Mom/Dad will love me enough to keep me on a raw diet.
I enjoy walks, am house trained and do well during grooming.
I am spayed, current on vaccinations, tested heart worm negative, on a monthly heartworm prevention and on a natural flea protection.
Total vet costs can be seen at Foster Vetting Costs.

We appreciate Suzanne Smith of Wisconsin for lovingly sponsoring Bridgett.

Click on the photo for more photos of Madelyn.
*Kidney Disease

I am a beautiful sweet 10 lb, 13 year old Maltese girl. I was born on January 2, 2012. I have retired from the breeder world.
I am a little doll baby and so love to be hugged and cuddled. I can be very demanding at times when I want my attention so I let Mom know in uncertain terms by verbally telling her so. I get along great with the rest of the pupsters and snuggling for my naps with them is great. I am suffering from kidney disease and on proper medications for my condition. I am hoping I will be around for quite some time, but because of my condition I will remain with PATR. I am very happy and contented here.
To maintain my excellent health, my diet is extremely important. Mom wanted to feed us the very best diet available, so Peke A Tzu Rescue became a distributor for Oma's Pride Raw Food products. I am enjoying a yummy turkey & veggie mix raw diet now. Mom alternates between turkey, beef and chicken raw diets. Please read about my special diet. Mom adds the following supplements: digestive enzymes, probiotics, kelp, DMG and salmon oil for a healthy balanced meal. I hope that my forever Mom/Dad will love me enough to keep me on a raw diet.
I am working on house training and leash training and do well during grooming.
I am spayed, current on vaccinations, tested heart worm negative, on a monthly heartworm prevention and on a natural flea protection. Total vet costs can be seen at Foster Vetting Costs.

We appreciate Vera Rodriguez of California, for lovingly sponsoring Madelyn.

Click on the photo for more photos of Polly.
*Deformed Hip, Sight Impaired

I am a beautiful 10 year old,11 lb Pomeranian girl. I was born on May 7, 2014.
I was dumped at a shelter and was so afraid.
I have a deformed hip and surgery is not an option for me. I have my good days and my bad days as far as pain is concerned. I am on medication to help with the pain. Mom and Dad take very good care of me and understand that there are days where I can be very grumpy and may be a bit nippy depending on how I feel. I do fairly well with the other pupsters, but do prefer to relax in my own bed and just observe. I enjoy being held and love cuddles and kisses.
To maintain my excellent health, my diet is extremely important. Mom wanted to feed us the very best diet available, so Peke A Tzu Rescue became a distributor for Oma's Pride Raw Food products. I am enjoying a yummy turkey & veggie mix raw diet now. Mom alternates between turkey, beef and chicken raw diets. Please read about my special diet. Mom adds the following supplements: digestive enzymes, probiotics, kelp, DMG and salmon oil for a healthy balanced meal. I hope that my forever Mom/Dad will love me enough to keep me on a raw diet.
I love to go on short walks when feeling good, am house trained, and do well during grooming.
I am spayed, current on vaccinations, tested heart worm negative, on a monthly heartworm prevention and on a natural flea protection.
Total vet costs can be seen at Foster Vetting Costs.

We appreciate Jean Iovino of California for lovingly sponsoring Polly.

Click on the photo for more photos of Price.
*Sight Impaired, Unable to Walk

I am 14 lbs of handsome Pekingese boy. I am approximately 12 years old. I came from a horrible abuse situation with four of my siblings. I was emanciated, flea infested, ears infected and could not walk due to my disabilities.
I am doing well today although I have a very difficult time walking. I have my good days and my bad days. My best walking is when it is time to eat. I get so excited and am able to get up on my feet for awhile. I also am sight impaired and need daily eye drops. I am a very sweet boy although I can be very alpha with the other pupsters. I told Foster Mom I thought it was best I stay here where we have ramps and other special things set up for pupsters like myself.
To maintain my excellent health, my diet is extremely important. Mom wanted to feed us the very best diet available, so Peke A Tzu Rescue became a distributor for Oma's Pride Raw Food products. I am enjoying a yummy turkey & veggie mix raw diet now. Mom alternates between turkey, beef and chicken raw diets. Please read about my special diet. Mom adds the following supplements: digestive enzymes, probiotics, kelp, DMG and salmon oil for a healthy balanced meal. I hope that my forever Mom/Dad will love me enough to keep me on a raw diet.
I am working on house training and do well during grooming.
I am neutered, current on vaccinations, tested heart worm negative, on a monthly heartworm prevention and on a natural flea protection. Total vet costs can be seen at Foster Vetting Costs.

We appreciate JoAnn Smith of Michigan for lovingly sponsoring Price.
We appreciate Tara Dombroske of Michigan for lovingly sponsoring Price.

Click on the photo for more photos of Princeton.
*Blind, Diabetic, Hearing Impaired

I am a handsome red and white, 12 lb Pekingese Mix boy.. I am approximately 12 years old. I came from a horrible abuse situation with four of my siblings. I was emanciated, flea infested, ears infected and could not walk due to my disabilities.
I have overcome all of the issues I suffered from when I arrived. I am blind, but get along so well and have acclimated to my surroundings. I am hearing impaired so Mom has to speak loudly for me to hear her. I also am diabetic, but am an angel for my injections. I can be a bit grumpy with the other pupsters, but work daily to learn how to share beds and space. Due to the various health issues I have, I feel it is best for me to remain in PATR's care.
To maintain my excellent health, my diet is extremely important. Mom wanted to feed us the very best diet available, so Peke A Tzu Rescue became a distributor for Oma's Pride Raw Food products. I am enjoying a yummy turkey & veggie mix raw diet now. Mom alternates between turkey, beef and chicken raw diets. Please read about my special diet. Mom adds the following supplements: digestive enzymes, probiotics, kelp, DMG and salmon oil for a healthy balanced meal. I hope that my forever Mom/Dad will love me enough to keep me on a raw diet.
I am working on house training and do well during grooming.
I am neutered, current on vaccinations, tested heart worm negative, on a monthly heartworm prevention and on a natural flea protection. Total vet costs can be seen at Foster Vetting Costs.

We appreciate Jean Iovino of California for lovingly sponsoring Princeton.

Click on the photo for more photos of Prussia.
*Blind in One Eye, Arthritic, Deformed Legs

I am a way too cute 10 lb, approximately 12 year old, white Pekingese girl. I came from a horrible abuse situation with four of my siblings. I was emanciated, flea infested, ears infected and could barely walk due to my disabilities.
Today I am a happy, healthy little girl who is thoroughly enjoying life. I still have a difficult time walking, but am strong enough now to get around just fine. I am blind in one eye, but my other eye is still healthy. I get along with the other pupsters, but can be a bit alpha at times. I do take natural supplements for my legs and am on daily eye drops. I love it here and decided it is best for me to remain in PATR care where I am comfortable now.
To maintain my excellent health, my diet is extremely important. Mom wanted to feed us the very best diet available, so Peke A Tzu Rescue became a distributor for Oma's Pride Raw Food products. I am enjoying a yummy turkey & veggie mix raw diet now. Mom alternates between turkey, beef and chicken raw diets. Please read about my special diet. Mom adds the following supplements: digestive enzymes, probiotics, kelp, DMG and salmon oil for a healthy balanced meal. I hope that my forever Mom/Dad will love me enough to keep me on a raw diet.
I am working on house training and do well during grooming.
I am spayed, current on vaccinations, tested heart worm negative, on a monthly heartworm prevention and on a natural flea protection. Total vet costs can be seen at Foster Vetting Costs.

We appreciate Marsha Booker of Indiana for lovingly sponsoring Prussia.

Click on the photo for more photos of Theo.
*Blind, Deaf, Arthritic

I am a 14 lb, white Pekingese boy. I am 18 yrs old. I was found as a stray in Indiana. PATR received a call and here I am!
Mom says I am the most handsome Pekey boy she has ever seen. I was so matted the people in Indiana had to strip my coat right down to the skin except for my fluffy head. I am hoping my coat will grow out. I am an absolute love bug. Scratch my ears and I fall in love. I do well with all of the other pupsters and love snuggling with them. I also can be very verbal when I want something…like attention or food. I do have dry eye and I need eye drops twice a day.
To maintain my excellent health, my diet is extremely important. Mom wanted to feed us the very best diet available, so Peke A Tzu Rescue became a distributor for Oma's Pride Raw Food products. I am enjoying a yummy turkey & veggie mix raw diet now. Mom alternates between turkey, beef and chicken raw diets. Please read about my special diet. Mom adds the following supplements: digestive enzymes, probiotics, kelp, DMG and salmon oil for a healthy balanced meal. I hope that my forever Mom/Dad will love me enough to keep me on a raw diet.
I am working on house training and do well during grooming.
I am neutered, current on vaccinations, tested heart worm negative, on a monthly heartworm prevention and on a natural flea protection. Total vet costs can be seen at Foster Vetting Costs.

We appreciate Kentisha Dunn of Mississippi for lovingly sponsoring Theo.

Click on the photo for more photos of Zackry.
*Eating Disorder

Hello everyone! I am a shy, but very sweet 11 year old, 5 lb Yorkie Maltese mix boy. I am a retired breeder and was born on May 24, 2013
When I arrived I was nothing but skin and bones. For 8 months it was touch and go to keep me in this world. I never know when I would like to eat or what I would like to eat. I have finally adjusted and have added a bit of weight. I have decided I would prefer to stay here with the other Haven babies. A move may disrupt my fragility for I never know if I am going to have a good day or a bad day. I love cuddling with the other pupsters and Mom and Dad's lap are my favorite spot. I am so loved here and am thankful I have found people who have patience and the will to help me stay healthy.
To maintain my excellent health, my diet is extremely important. Mom wanted to feed us the very best diet available, so Peke A Tzu Rescue became a distributor for Oma's Pride Raw Food products. I am enjoying a yummy turkey & veggie mix raw diet now. Mom alternates between turkey, beef and chicken raw diets. Please read about my special diet. Mom adds the following supplements: digestive enzymes, probiotics, kelp, DMG and salmon oil for a healthy balanced meal. I hope that my forever Mom/Dad will love me enough to keep me on a raw diet.
I am working on house training and do well during grooming.
I am neutered, current on vaccinations, tested heart worm negative, on a monthly heartworm prevention and on a natural flea protection. Total vet costs can be seen at Foster Vetting Costs.

We appreciate Vera Rodriguez of California, for lovingly sponsoring Zackry.

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