How You
Can Help Our Pupsters
We are blessed to be involved in rescue. Each one of our days is filled with so much joy. Helping the pupsters is our life and we freely give all of our love to them. There is not a better feeling than seeing the pupsters overcome their fears and blossom into healthy, happy, loving babies. To continue helping those that are in need, we depend on all of you out here and your generosity. We have put together a list of ways that all of you could help the pupsters. Please click on the links provided to access information.

Cash Donations are always appreciated rather they be $1 or $50. Every penny helps the pupsters. You can sign up for monthly subscription or make a one time donation. You can also send a donation directly to our veterinarian Howard City Animal Hospital 629 West Shaw Street Howard City, MI 49329 Please note on your check that the donation is for Peke A Tzu Rescue

Sponsor one of our Precious Pupsters for $25.00 per month. This helps pay for their vetting, food and grooming.

Gift Cards We appreciate Gift Cards for all of our needs. We apply to our veterinarian expenses, fabric, grooming, and gas purchases.

Please shop for gifts in our Gift Shop Take a look at our Magazine Subscriptions through the Gift Shop. A percentage of the sales goes to the pupsters needs.

Grooming Supplies are always needed. Cotton Balls Q Tips Baby Wipes Ear Cleaner Solution Oster Golden A5 Clippers Blades for the clippers (Size 7F, 4 and 5's)
Medical Needs & Cleaning Needs Interceptor Heartworm Preventative
We use Essential Oils
for flea protection and cleaning.
Clary Sage
Lemon Oil
Sweet Almond Oil

We appreciate donated items for our Gift Shop We also place some items for auction on our website or list on eBay. 100% of the sales goes to the pupsters needs. When sale is completed for donated items a tax deductible donation is recorded and you will be sent a letter at the end of the year for tax purposes.

Fabric for our Belly Bands
Donate fabric for our Belly Bands. You can choose one of our current fabrics or pick one of your own. Our seamstress will be happy to complete belly bands in any fabric that the boys would like. You can send a yard or more, whatever is your preference. The belly bands help feed the pupsters so any fabric donation would be greatly appreciated. We shop at JoAnn Fabrics and Walmarts for our fabric needs.

Kroger Community Awards Program If you shop at Krogers please
Sign Up for their Community Awards Program listing Peke A Tzu Rescue as your charity and our rescue will receive a percentage of your store purchases.

For Your Doggy Door Needs please purchase from
Hale Pet Door and list Peke A Tzu Rescue as your charity and our rescue will receive a percentage of your store purchases.
Use Goodsearch and Goodshop for your internet searching and shopping needs and the rescue receives a penny for each one of your searches and a percentage of your purchases.
If you would like to send a cash donation or items to us please send to:
Peke A Tzu Rescue
PO Box 1
Trufant, MI 49347
Copyright© 2004 - 2025, Peke A Tzu Rescue. All Rights Reserved.
Pekingese Rescue, Shih Tzu Rescue, Maltese Rescue, Poodle Rescue & Yorkie Rescue.
Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
Do not take anything from the site without permission.