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Peke A Tzu Rescue's Rainbow Bridge
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Peke A Tzu Rescue's Bridge Babies

May 9, 1997 - August 11, 2005

Forgive Those That Do Not Understand
People toss us aside and drop us off at places that are not very nice,
They turn their backs on us and don't even think about it twice.

We have been put in an environment that we know nothing about,
Animals crying, and cringing and people that shout.

We are so afraid and alone, but try to do our best,
And then we are expected to pass a temperance test.

We are frightened, have no idea why we ended up here,
Hands reaching for us, people probing us and we bite out of fear.

Then we are put in a room waiting for our lives to end,
For now we are considered vicious, and not given a chance to emotionally mend.

Wait, we hear kind voices, they have to know that something is amiss,
Please, please whoever you are understand that we are not normally like this.

We are gathered into soft arms and we feel our Rescue Angel's tears as they fall,
Don't worry they say for you are now safe from it all.

By Jan Collins © 8-11-05
In memory of the Gatsby's of the world that have so much love to give,
but are discarded and not given the chance to let us know how very loving they truly are.

December 8, 1995 - August 1, 2005

Be True To Those You Love
I certainly was not perfect in all of my ways,
All I wanted is to be loved for the rest of my days.

There are times that our loved ones choose to turn their backs on us,
Things happen in their lives and priorities change just because.

I certainly have no regrets about where I ended up to be,
For I was loved and cuddled unconditionally.

If you cannot commit your love to us until the very end,
Then do not bring us into your lives and toss us aside and expect us to mend.

You see we are devoted creatures who believe in love, devotion and trust,
We expect total commitment for this is a must.

Please everyone listen to my plea,
For I do not want anyone to go through the same thing as me.

By Jan Collins © 8-1-05
In memory of those babies that all of a sudden are not “important” anymore. We love you Oreo and we will see you again to give you lots of cuddles and kisses.

May 10, 1991 - July 13, 2005

There Is Always Love Awaiting Us
For all of you who think you have nowhere to go,
Please continue to have faith and always know,

There are many angels in the world that are waiting to love us,
To give us hope, love, cuddles and a reason to trust.

I am proof that if you have faith in humankind and persevere,
There is someone who will let you know how precious you really are.

I felt so fortunate to feel warmth surrounding me,
And the end of my life was full of joy and harmony.

I was happy, loved and whole when I left this earth and my kin,
Cradled close in Mom's arms as I quietly floated upwards to meet my friends.

By Jan Collins © 7-13-05
In memory of those that no one else will bring into their hearts and homes,
but need us so very much for the little time they may have left.
Rest easy Strudle and know that you will never be forgotten.

August 27, 1991 - March 30, 2005

We Do Not Ask for Much
Oh Lord, why do so many discard us babies as we grow old and gray?
You would think they would love us more with every passing day.

There has to be a way to change the human mind,
They should be able to learn from us how to be gentle and kind.

Throughout our lives we give our masters our love, devotion, and trust.
Only to be flicked away as if we were only a small speck of dust.

There are loving families that surround our masters when they grow old,
They are cared for to the end and never shut out in the cold.

We ask very little during our life upon this earth,
A scratch on the ear, a soft pat on the head, a warm bed upon the hearth.

We breathe, love and care just like our masters do,
After turning their backs on us, have they no fear of meeting you?

Oh Lord, please teach those out there how to be loyal, true and kind,
We would be so thankful to you for it would give us such peace of mind.

By Jan Collins © 3-30-05
In memory of our sweet, gentle, loving Nena who was discarded at a shelter. She filled our lives with joy and happiness. Sweet dreams little one, we'll see you again one day.

1997 - March 3, 2005

Freed From Pain Forever
My life had not been very pleasant where I was living,
Making puppies was my life and I was so tired of giving.

After many years my owner finally was ready to say goodbye,
I was headed for a shelter where I just knew I would die.

A wonderful lady saved me from this horror, thank you Lord,
And I was welcomed into rescue and snuggled and adored.

You see I had been struggling with all of the pain I was feeling inside,
This was verified by my Doctor as he pulled Mom aside.

Mom turned to me with tears flowing from her eyes, gathered me up and said “I love you so very much.”
I said “Please help me leave this world of pain knowing I was loved and with a gentle touch.”

I watched this kind loving face above me as my pain gradually went away,
Thank you Mom for letting me know I was worthy of love in my final days.

By Jan Collins © 3-3-05
For all of the babies that bless our lives if only for a fleeting moment.

May 22, 1996 - January 18, 2005

Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you .....
I loved you so --
"“twas Heaven here with you.”
-by IIsa Paschal Richardson

Till we meet again, Nihan...... Love, Mom

1995 to September 15, 2004

Loved Briefly but Unconditionally
I am so thankful to all of you out there,
The ones that really truly care.

I was discarded because no one thought I was of any worth,
But suddenly these wonderful loving people stepped forth.

For two glorious months I was loved, cuddled and kissed.
And knew when I left this world I truly would be missed.

I fought very hard to stay here to enjoy my new life,
It just wasn't meant to be for my body had felt so much strife.

I am happy now, romping, playing and enjoying everyone here,
Knowing that my two months in loving arms was free from fear.

There will be others that will follow in my steps you see,
I can rest easy now knowing that there is hope for others just like me.

By Jan Collins © 9-15-04
Dedicated to all of the Daphne's in the world that only ask for a
little piece of our lives, a warm body to snuggle and our love and kisses.

September 6, 1995 to August 28, 2004

Come and walk with me to the edge,
As I begin my journey across the Bridge,
To a place you can only see in dreams,
But where I'll find comfort beneath the angels' wings.

This is a path I take alone,
Though there I'll be waiting when He calls you home,
I will keep you close as to Heaven I make my way,
Knowing we will find each other there one day.

Companion and most dear of friends,
Please know that this is not an end,
For down this road life begins anew,
And you'll hold me close again when God sends for you.

Come, walk with me before I go,
You've been a true blessing for my wounded soul,
And the gift of trust I'd waited so long to find,
Made me yours just as you were mine.

I leave this world with my heart whole,
Treasuring the moment when I knew hope,
That all I suffered was not in vain,
For you gave me joy where there once was pain.

From my prison you once set me free,
And in return I pray from grief you'll be,
With my parting take the knowledge away with you,
That my devotion has saved you too.

Side by side we'll walk together one last time,
You know I don't want to say goodbye,
But having been a part of you,
Gives me the strength to carry through.

Though each step brings up farther apart,
I'll live on forever in your heart,
And leave you with such endless love,
That you'll feel me there from up above.

I begin to approach the other side,
But turn back once to see your smile,
And the emptiness just fades away,
As I hear Someone gently say...

“Come and walk with Me to eternal life
In a world full of love but none of strife.
Have faith that I will help them heal
To ease the loneliness they now feel.

And though I've brought you Home to stay,
You'll be just a dream away,
For with each thought they think of you,
You'll feel their love forever true.”

By Jamie Burson © 8-28-04
in memory of our sweet little man who filled our lives with endless joy.

January 1, 1992 to August 25, 2004

I was just one of many poor souls wandering the street,
Hunting for kindness and something to eat.

I struggled each day and told myself I would live through this,
I just knew that there was someone who couldn't wait to give me a kiss.

I ended up in this horrible place confused and alone,
No one cared if I ate nor was I given a bone.

I felt like just curling up and slowly fading away,
But these wonderful people arrived and saved my day.

We spent many a night together pacing the floor,
But never once did anyone ask for anything more.

I loved my Mom and Dad and my home was the best,
But I grew tired and weak and needed to rest.

Don't grieve Mom and Dad for I am happy, healthy and free,
Everyone loves me here for just being me.

By Jan Collins © 8-25-04
To our sweet, sweet little teddy bear, we miss the feel of your soft body close to us and looking into your loving eyes.

Dec. 22, 1991 to April 28, 2004

Mei-Li came to us via an email from a very sweet foster mom, Jen. She knew that we were looking for another dog and she told us that she had “just the right doggie” for us...and Jen was so right.
Mei-Li was an older girl who was left at a shelter for whatever poor reason was given, but in our book she was a really great dog and she gave us such wonderful memories for the short time that we had her. Mei-Li was the type of dog who never asked for much in life; a soft bed or blanket to snooze on and two square meals a day. We sure are going to miss her sweet and gentle ways; she was our baby...
Marg, Jim & Ling-Ling

March 24, 1992 to June 28, 2004

Puppy mills, puppy mills everywhere,
And there are so many people that say they care.

It is one thing to rescue us from the mills,
But then there is the responsibility to care for our ills.

I was rescued the first time from my plight,
Only to find that I would be taking a flight.

Actually the flight was a blessing in disguise,
For the person that picked me up was ever so nice.

I was cuddled and kissed and offered my own bed,
And oh, all these wonderful tasty morsels I was fed.

I had serious medical problems not found in foster care,
So my new loving mom had this burden to bear.

We went to our vet who gave the bad news,
I had a huge bladder tumor found from many clues.

Finally after 12 years I was loved and never alone,
But it was too late to undo what had already been done.

In my short stay with my wonderful Mom,
I learned what love really is and feel more fortunate than some.

I left this world knowing that there are humans that really do care.
There are Mom's such as mine that are so loving and fair.

I will be waiting for my special Mom to join me someday,
Tail wagging, eyes bright, my head on her shoulder I will lay.

By Jan Collins & Pat Williams 6-28-04
In memory of Willie, another puppy mill baby who was nearly forgotten.
His Loving Mom Marsha only wishes she could have bestowed a million
more kisses on his sweet face.

April 9, 1994 to June 17, 2004

To My Precious Buffi
The emptiness is overwhelming,
And the tears don't relent;
You were such a special angel
That God Himself had sent.

Our time together was short,
But the memories fill my days.
You gave me so much love
In so very many ways.

I know you're in a better place,
Playing and healthy again;
But my poor heart is breaking -
Because all I can feel is pain.

Until we are reunited, your loving Mom, Pat

December 24, 1989 to April 26, 2004

On December 24, 1989, a fluffy little black and white furball was placed in my arms to help me recover from my recent loss of the first dog I had adopted and had lost after 7 wonderful years. Mischa was so shy, but very loving and gave such great kisses, demanded belly rubs, and slept in the headboard on a blanket because she was so small. Here I am 14 1/2 years later, having lost my beautiful Mischa to renal failure after a 2 1/2 year battle courageously fought by this spirited little Tzu. She was not a rescue, abused nor was she a senior adoption, but she taught me much about the love and rewards of having a "senior furball". She taught me to love again and gave me the strength I needed to get through many hard years, with her love and devotion that shown in those beautiful brown eyes. I am honored to have shared my life with this wonderful girl and if it were not for her I would not have gotten involved with the rescue furkids. She taught me much and I am grateful. I know she is waiting at the Bridge and until we are together again she will remain in my heart.
Missed by her Mom Jan, Sister Keiko and Brother Loki

Sept. 14, 1995 to April 5, 2004

Free At Last
I lived in a puppy mill for eight and one half years of my life,
You have no idea what it is like to live under so much strife.

I was not a loving companion; I was just considered a thing,
These people didn?t care about me only how much money my puppies would bring.

I kept hoping that what was happening would cease,
And day after day looking out of those bars I prayed for release.

Then there came a day that the miller decided I was past my prime,
So he offered me up to the highest bidder for only a dime.
The miller thought what a bargain he had made,
But my rescue angel said it was she that had received a gift that was more precious than jade.

It was so nice to have loving arms surround me and humans that cared,
God really does listen and answer your prayers.

In the puppy mill I was known by a number that hung on a chain around my neck,
Now I have my own name and for the first time in my life I am able to feel the sun as I lay upon the deck.

I knew I was sick, I so wanted to get better and that was my goal,
But the abuse that the miller had put me through had taken its? toll.

For twelve days I tried hard and struggled to improve,
For I so much wanted to be able to stay here being loved and not have to move.
On the twelfth day I was in too much pain and just knew I could not last,
But those twelve days of human touch and warmth well made up for my past.
I want to thank my rescue angels for the love that they gave me and caring so much,
I just wish I could have been here a bit longer to feel their loving touch.

By Jan Collins - 4-5-04
In memory of all of the Scampi's that never feel a loving touch, the grass under their feet, the warmth of the sun on their face or a soft breeze touching them.

1990 to April 3, 2004

Our Most Precious Jewel
I came into rescue in April of 2003,
I had been dumped at a shelter because no one wanted me.

I was given the name Onyx for I was told I was a jewel that shown bright,
And Mom and Dad told me everything would be alright.

For you see I didn't feel very pretty since birth,
And thought no one else would consider me of much worth.

As time went by and I was surrounded by love,
I realized that God had been watching from above.

He made sure that I had found what I thought I would never see,
A warm home, lots of cuddles and humans that truly loved me.

As time passed and not one application did the rescue receive,
I was surrounded by so much love it was difficult for me to perceive.

I continued to be showered with love and was constantly kissed and cuddled,
Mom and Dad just couldn?t understand why no one wanted me and were very befuddled.

Mom and Dad told me I was still their special jewel and continued to shower kisses on my beautiful face,
I sent prayers out to God every night, please let me stay in this wonderful place.

I woke up this morning not feeling well and could feel it in every pore,
I only wanted to feel Mom and Dad's loving arms surround me and nothing more.

I said goodbye to my wonderful home and left for Rainbow Bridge in April 2004,
Happy and contented knowing that I had been admired and loved as never before.

So please Mom and Dad do not feel that you didn't do enough and feel sadness for me,
You gave me a year of companionship and love and I thank you for setting me free.
By Jan Collins © 4-3-04
In memory of the Senior babies that have so much to give, but are not recognized for their worth.

Marc Sr.
June 16, 1988 to December 16, 2003

A Champion I Will Always Be
I once was a finished Champion standing straight and tall,
When I was in the show ring I gave it my all.

Evidently I wasn't meant to be number one,
So my owner sold me and the life I had known was done.

I was kenneled and used for breeding only,
No more kisses and cuddles, my life was so lonely.

The years passed and many puppies came and went,
While I remained in my prison becoming older and bent.

One day, thanks to God, my rescuer arrived,
And for the first time in years I could look up at the sky.

Thirteen long years of my life had past,
I was weak, nearly blind, but determined to last.

I embarked on a very long journey and was told,
That someone was waiting there for me that would love me tenfold.

I was greeted with lots of tears, cuddled and kissed,
And was told, “We will try to make up for all that you have missed.”

I showed my Mom and Dad all of my cute little tricks,
The best was to scrunch up my nose and it would twitch and twitch.

Mom and Dad told me in their eyes a Champion I would always be,
There wasn't a ribbon or an award that would be good enough for me.

I truly believe that love heals the body and soul,
And I know for me that was God's goal.

The last years of my life were spent being lavished with love.
The bad years faded in my memory and I thanked God up above.

As I made my journey and crossed over the Bridge and walked to the end,
I bade farewell to my loved ones standing straight and tall once again.

By Jan Collins © 12-16-03
In memory of Marc Sr. who taught us the true meaning of strength, compassion and unconditional love.

July 1991 to August 2003

Caeser blessed us through rescue when he arrived. He was such a sweet, loving little Yorkie. Caeser was horribly thin and testing revealed that he was suffering from advanced renal failure. We changed his diet and attempted to bring him back to us. Caeser showered us with his kisses for 3 weeks, but just couldn't hold on. He took a small chunk of our heart with him when he said good bye to us.

January 1989 to July 2003

Muffin came into our lives as a rescue in July of 2003. She was flea ridden, nearly blind, unable to use her back legs and teeth rotting out of her mouth. We tried everything possible to save her and she had a wonderful two weeks here with us being pampered, loved and spoiled. Muffin chose to say good bye to us and she is now healthy and whole at Rainbow Bridge. We love you Muffin - thank you for bringing joy to our lives!

June 2001 to June 2003

Our sweet, sweet Sophia brought endless joy to our lives during her short stay here with us. We always called her our little Dalmation Girl, so full of life and energy. Sophie went to the Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly at the young age of two due to Genetic Renal Failure.

Boozer & Mercedez
Boozer (Westie) January 1988 to December 1998
Mercedez (Scottie) January 1989 to December 1999

Boozer and Mercedez added so much joy to our lives. They were quite the characters when seen together. They loved to be loved. We miss them so much. We lost Boozer to cancer and Mercedez followed one year later due to congestive heart failure. They are happy together at Rainbow Bridge.

"......no matter how deep my sleep, I shall hear you, and not all the power of death can keep me from waggin a grateful tail."
words of: Eugene O'Neil

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Rainbow Bridge Page 3

Copyright© 2003 - 2025, Peke A Tzu Rescue.  All Rights Reserved.
Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
Permission was given to use above photos by the pet owner.
Daphne's portrait © by Sandie Friedland of Furevermine.com.
Please do not take anything from the site without written permission.
Jan wrote these beautiful tributes to our Bridge Babies and generously
shares, but please email to ask for permission to use elsewhere.
Thanks for understanding.