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Peke A Tzu Rescue
Foster Journal

We thought all of you out there would like to see what happens here in our home so we decided we would pop in on occasion and let you know what we are doing. Some days it is just the same old routine, but other times we have a lot of excitement. We hope you enjoy hearing about our activities and seeing a few pictures. The majority of the time you will see us happy, healthy and well groomed, but there is a significant cost involved to get each of us to this point which can be viewed at Foster Vetting Costs.

June 2009 Journal December 2008 Journal
July 2009 Journal January 2009 Journal
August 2009 Journal February 2009 Journal
September 2009 Journal March 2009 Journal
October 2009 Journal    April 2009 Journal
November 2009 Journal    May 2009 Journal

We Wish All of You
The Best
During the Holiday Season!

November 1, 2009
Shelby and Brody here welcoming you to the month of November! Turkey month….yum, yum, yum. Yeh, we know we are a bit ahead of schedule, but we always look forward to Thanksgiving. This month begins the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season. We hope all slow down a bit this year and look more at the meaning of this season. Mom says it is about bringing loved ones together and sharing time with each other rather than hitting the malls and buying gifts. We are all for the loving part!

November 2, 2009
Dear Mr. Moose, JD told Cocoa here that all of the toys talk to each of us as long as we open our minds and listen. So, I thought I would chat with you a bit about this particular situation with one of the pupster girls (not mentioning any names). I can’t talk to the pupster guys about it because they would make fun of me. You see I am head over paws in love with her and she won’t give me the time of day. Do you have any advice moose to pupster here? I surely need help for my heart is breaking.

November 3, 2009
Why are you looking at me cross eyed Mom? You told Chiffon here to smile pretty and that is exactly what I am doing! Why do you keep telling me to quit being a smarty pupster. I have no idea what you may be talking about. Oh, you mean my eyes are supposed to be open for a picture? Gee I didn’t know that. I will tell you a little secret. When we new pupsters arrive there is a committee called the “Stop Camera Pictures Committee”. Now, I am not going to tell you who is on the board, but they said we pupsters need to discourage all of the picture taking because you are out of paw!

November 4, 2009
Oh for pupsters sake Pappy, you don’t have to scream at me about it! I did not, nor would Delcey ever deliberately hide one of your toys. Well, actually, they aren’t your toys if you want to get down to the nitty gritty. We are all supposed to share, but for some reason you aren’t catching on to that. Go talk to one of the other pupsters about it, but I would suggest you calm down prior to the discussion. Some of the other pupsters may not be as patient with you as I am.

November 5, 2009
Mom, can’t we talk about this reasonably? You know Candice here has been through so much. I came in carrying all those puppies, had been living in atrocious conditions and then you came into my life. You have been by my side non stop as I went through the pain of delivering puppies and then losing my sweet babies. You have cuddled me, consoled me and made me whole again. Do I really have to be adopted? I know you keep telling me that is the best thing for me. You assure me that there is someone really special out there just waiting for me, but I am having a really hard time accepting this. But you know I trust you completely so if you say that there is even a brighter future out there for me I will really try to accept that.

November 6, 2009
Our Angelina came home today and we pupsters welcomed her with open paws. When Angelina arrived. we were all so very sad for her. We are absolutely amazed for she can now walk and she now has a "Happy Tail". We are by her side as she goes through her physical therapy twice a day with Mom. She is still a bit wobbly, but that horrible pain has left her eyes and we are so thankful. As the days go by we know she will feel better and better. Our guess is that she will be doing the Pekey bounce before we know it!

November 7, 2009
Hey, everyone, tomorrow is football day! I think we need to have our own pupster football team. Let’s all practice the game calls and learn what a huddle is all about. Keep in mind that we are team players working toward the same goal which is to win the game! MMMM, what is the difference between defense and offense? Guess we had best start searching for a good coach. Think Dad would be up to it? No girls will be allowed on the team. Geez, could you see it now? It would all be about fashion and our uniforms would probably be purple and pink…how embarrassing would that be? We’ll have Dad schedule our first game with Detroit so we will be assured of our first win.


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Pekingese Rescue, Shih Tzu Rescue, Maltese Rescue, Poodle Rescue & Yorkie Rescue.
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