March 1, 2018

Welcome to March everyone! Rolo is so excited. Mom bought some new pillow beds for everyone and he has definitely claimed one as his own. They are really cool and we love the color! Of course Mom's reason was more about easier to clean boring!!
March 3, 2018

We pupsters are so happy to welcome our new foster brothers and sisters into our fold. Right now they are all in quarantine to make sure there is no bad poop etc. We can't wait to be able to romp and play with Caffee, Cloey, Dorio, Fudge, Higgins, Sneakers and Sahara. They arrived today and have to go for a "Spa Day" and then see "Doc" to get all of their veterinary needs met. Mom and Dad are running a fundraiser for them so if you would like to help just visit the home page for the fundraiser or our donation page.
March 5, 2018

Zandy reporting in! Hey all you pupsters..just wanted to let you know that I am having the time of my life! I will admit I miss you and whenever I am feeling blue I just grab my rope toy and it reminds me of all of you. Yep, I am still flipping toys in the air and they always land conveniently on my head. Hope you are all doing great…love ya!
March 10, 2018

Geez, Sage is absolutely pathetic!! Every time she sees anyone coming she flips
over on her back, shows her all together and begs for belly rubs. She particularly likes Dad's belly rubs and he succumbs to her overtures every single time! We are beginning to get a bit jealous for everyone thinks this is so darn cute. Guess we'll have to have a meeting to figure out how we can get more shares of the belly rubs.
March 15, 2018

Hi Everyone,
Yahtzee reporting in. You know how Auntie Jan looks in the morning when she gets up? I would guess it is still the same. Well, I have her beat! You talk about a bad hair day…I must have been sleeping on top of my head to make this mess. I am sure Mom will be here shortly with the comb, but I think I will make myself scarce!! Hope all of you pupsters are doing great..I know I am!
March 22, 2018

Well, I was chosen to represent all of the new kids. Higgins here…most of my foster brothers and sisters are still really afraid of the camera so I am the spokespupster for everyone. We are all doing great. We love the food and are learning what toys are all about. All the other pupsters are being so good to us and are convincing us that life is really good here. We still are not ready to find our Forever Homes, but with all the love we are receiving hopefully we will travel down that road in the near future. We all want to thank you for being so kind to us and helping with our vetting needs.
March 27, 2018

Hi Everyone!
So what do all of you pupsters think of my new car seat? Not that Prius here is rubbing it in at all, but I get anything my little heart desires. Mom and Dad take me everywhere with them and now I am really traveling in style. Surrounded by pink for the Princess I am you know. Well, gotta go…places to visit..things to do..people to see!
March 31, 2018

Mom, Brenna is having a really difficult time knowing Fiddles here will be going to my Forever Home soon. She keeps whispering in my ear telling me all of these stories and trying to convince me to stay. Could you please talk to her and let her know I am going to be just fine! April is going to be an exciting month for me that is for sure…see you all then!