August 1, 2018

Welcome to August everybody!! Brisco here is looking forward to this month. Mom has all kinds of great plans for us. We have visitors coming and we can’t wait. We always love company! It is time to replenish our toys so can’t wait to see what we’ll get this time. You know there are a few pupsters here (not mentioning any names) who just can’t seem to resist destroying some of the toys, but the good news is we enjoy the new toys…always a different shape or color. Enjoy you month with us!
August 4, 2018

Well today is Spa Day for me. A nice warm bath with lots of great smelling essential oils in my shampoo. Then I will have a manicure and a bit of neatening and will be beautiful..not saying Leeah here wasn't beautiful to begin with. You know I used to be afraid of Spa Day, but now I realize I feel so much better and the boys really seem to like me after my treatment…not saying I am attracted to any of them you know!
August 8, 2018

Well, Dad is mowing the lawn again and as usual Beeper is trying to supervise from afar. He gets very verbal while the mowing is going on…we pupsters can hardly hear a thing. Mom has tried all kinds of things to divert his attention, but nothing works. One thing is for sure once the mowing is done Beeper is exhausted and takes a very long nap so all is quiet on the home front again thank goodness!!
August 12, 2018

Scarlet reporting in. Now I know it may be just an itsy bit early, but football is right around the corner you know. Though I know all of you pupsters favor that other Michigan team I have converted to Michigan State. No, I am not a traitor, but you know you need to keep in the good graces of those that supply room board and food you know. The old saying is very true, "Do not bite the hand that feeds you." So, anyone want to put a side bet on the Michigan and Michigan State game? We just won't tell our Mom and Dad.
August 19, 2018

Yeh, Smokey here is a little miffed. You know this is my favorite toy and I really get tired of having to hunt it down all of the time and then guard it. The other pupsters have all kinds of toys to play with and I just don't understand why they cannot leave me alone! You know how you always tell them to respect their elders and I definitely fit into that age category. Mom, you need to have a nice long talk with them or I will take this into my own paws!!!!
August 26, 2018

Could someone please explain to Kisses here why Prescott has to sleep this way? He takes more than his share of the bed up and if you bark anything at him he has a hissy! This just is not normal in my opinion and I really think he has a few screws loose.
August 31, 2018

Can you believe it is the end of August already? Our Prada was out enjoying some of the fall flowers and was trying to hide from Mom, but she found her! Can you tell she is just a bit of a "Diva"? Just look at that face. She acts like she is the boss of the Pekes around her…definitely needs a Pekey attitude adjustment. Mom says she thinks this picture is an excellent possibility for the 2019 calendar. We pupsters are hoping she changes her mind because if Prada knows she will be featured in the calendar her attitude may even get worse.
See you in September!!