October 1, 2018

Welcome to October everyone!! Rambler here trying to tell Mom that the toys were already in the bed and I just hopped in and joined the crowd. The other pupsters are telling her that I am a toy hoarder…whatever that means. Of course you gotta know that Mom will believe me without a doubt. There is no way that this face indicates anything but a sweet, lovable HONEST little boy!
October 4, 2018

We pupsters would like to introduce you to Crimson, Garnet and Russet. You see they are just little bitty puppies and all have issues with one of their eyes. Their breeder turned them over to us so we could find them wonderful Forever Homes. They were born on August 1st. They will be visiting our pupster doctor for an evaluation on October 11th. We all think they are so beautiful and are treating them gently, but we gotta tell you…they are full of endless energy! Phew, we oldsters are worn out already.
October 8, 2018

Well, we are relieved!! All of us pupsters can take one thing off our Pupster Do list. Believe it or not Butters who recently arrived actually loves to help with folding the laundry. Well, he doesn't exactly help fold, but he is right there to help empty the dryer. He especially likes to remove the toys. He is just way too efficient. He pulls the toys out of the dryer one by one and then carefully places each back in our toy box. Pretty smart cookie, our Butters!
October 12, 2018

Oh Oh, we see a huge time out happening when Mom sees what Turbo has done. You are seeing the remnants in his mouth. The path of destruction that precedes him is indescribable. Of course you have to know that none of the rest of us had anything to do with the mess. The proof is in Turbo's mouth!
October 20, 2018

Phew, what a day today! We wait each year to watch this game. Had the popcorn ready, organized our beds so we would be nice and comfy and then settled down to watch the big game. It does get a bit raucous during the game for we do not all agree on who should win, but Mom and Dad tell us there is to be no taunting each other should one team or the other pull ahead. Trust us, that is pretty darn hard to do!!!! Now, what we would really like to know is why Mom and Dad watch the game in separate rooms????
October 24, 2018

Leeah here has had enough! Culley if you do not leave me alone I am going to
have to get serious with you. Now Mom says there is to be no pupsterfrontations here
but one can only be patient for so long. All I am trying to do is relax a bit and you keep
pouncing in my face. I do not want to play with you period. Just cool it, will you???
October 28, 2018

Boring, boring, boring. Laddie here just basically doing nothing. It is so dreary outside and I really get depressed when the sun isn't out. Now Mom says I need to perk up. She says it is better than earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. Now the floods got my attention…water like in baths??? UGH!
October 31, 2018

Wow, the end of October already and yep, Mom had that darn camera going again! We hope all of the children have a very safe Halloween and get more "Treats" than "Tricks". Every year we ask Mom if we can go Trick or Treating and her answer is always a big NO! But, at least we know November brings lots of goodies to us....we can smell that turkey already!