May 1, 2018

What a wonderful way to start our month…helping another pupster in need. Meet Smokey, a 13 year old Pekingese. We pupster girls think he is very, very handsome. Mom is already in love…she is so fickle sometimes. He is going to need some special grooming for he has all these mats under that beautiful coat, but we know Mom will do her best…she says he may look fantastic in a Lion's Cut whatever that is! We just cannot wait until he is out of quarantine so we can play with him!!
May 6, 2018

Today was a great day. Abbie, Brenna, Mamee and Richelle did a meet and greet. They had an absolute ball. Abbie and Mamee did their normal and tried to take every toy out of the toy box trying to impress their visitors. Brenna decided she was going to be stuck up and not participate. Richelle really played the visitors by being calm and quiet…she certainly isn't normally like that. The great news is two of our sisters have found a wonderful home. Mamee and Richelle will be leaving for their Forever Home this coming Sunday!
May 9, 2018

Prius reporting in. I'll tell you what...I have the best Forever Home than any other pupster out there. Of course I may be a bit pupsterjudice. I am getting ready to go for a ride with my Dad in the golf cart. Wow, this is just way too much fun! I get my own special blanket so I am really comfortable. It is wonderful to cruise around and see everything that is going on. Please don't be jealous my Pupster Friends..not that I am bragging or anything!
May 15, 2018

We pupsters would like you to meet Gwenna. She just recently arrived and is very nervous. Gwenna has decided the toy box is her safe place. Kind of makes it difficult for us to access our toys, but we are all right with that. We just keep telling her all will be well and before she knows it she will be romping and playing just like we do, but until then we will consider the toy box hers.
May 21, 2018

Brookie reporting in. As you can see I am being just a bit spoiled. My Mom is absolutely amazing and I am so thankful I found such a wonderful home. I get anything my little heart desires…well, almost. Haven't been able to talk Mom into sharing that donut in her hand. Tried all the things that normally work, but with no luck. So, what's the big deal about a donut anyway? I would much rather have lots of hugs and cuddles!!
May 26, 2018

Really? Now I am beginning to understand. Thank you so much for explaining all of this to me. You know Autumn here was beginning to panic a bit. All of a sudden I was here, then I visited the vet and came home very sore, didn't know any of the pupsters and was so afraid something awful was going to happen to me. Now I know how much you love me already and are going to start searching for the best home you can find for me. Whew, what a relief!
May 31, 2018

Can you all believe it is the end of May already? We pupsters were very good this month…well, most of the time anyway. We are looking forward to June and lots of fun in the sun although Mom has a lot of things listed on her "Pupster To Do List". Boy, we never get a break, but she tells us it is good to stay busy…keeps us healthy!! See you in June!