September 1, 2018

Welcome to September everyone!! We were so excited to see Michigan take the field for the first time this year. We pupsters love football you know..particularly college football. Unfortunately no matter how much we howled and clapped our paws for our team did not work. But, there is always next week! We begrudgingly congradulate Michigan State.....
September 4, 2018

We pupsters just had to share this with you. You know we are nature buffs here and love watching everything that goes on outside….so much beauty. Our Mexican Sunflowers are blooming and the Monarchs just love them! We are trying to figure out what they think is so yummy about the flower and asked Mom if we could give this a try…she just rolled her eyes at us. Wonder what that is all about?
September 8, 2018

Bonanza!!!!! Look at what was delivered today. We pupsters don't even know where to start. Toys, toys and more toys!! Let's see, some are shaped like bones, some like fish and the list goes on….decisions, decisions. We are going to have so much fun today. Thank you so much Auntie Stephane for thinking of all of us and making sure that each of us will have a toy..that is if some of the pupsters don't try to hoard them!
September 12, 2018

Hi Everyone,
I am so happy to meet all of you. Theo here and happy to be alive I'll tell you. I was found as a stray in Indiana and there was no rescue that would take me, but Auntie Jan didn't hesitate a bit when she got the call. I was so matted so here I am nearly bald, but the good news is I still have a fluffy face. Auntie Jan said not to worry…it will grow back. I am about 12 years old, sight and hearing impaired and had some medical issues when I got here, but Doctor Rick took good care of me and I feel so much better! Auntie Jan says I give the best kisses ever and I so love all of the hugs and cuddles. So life is good!!
September 16, 2018

Libby reporting in. Hey, I found this beautiful Shih Tzu living in my house and I can't take my eyes off from her. So, what do all of you pupsters think? I am so enamored by this mystery pupster that I haven't even answered the call from Mom for my dinner. I think you pupsters need to jump in the pupstermobile and head my way so you can help me solve this mystery!
September 20, 2018

Now Mom, Kisses here did not do what Prescott is barking I did. He can roll his eyes and give you that "she did it look" all he wants. The truth is that it was Prescott who got ahold of the kleenex box and spread paper all over the living room. I was only a spectator. You believe me don't you?
September 24, 2018

We pupsters snuck up on Smokey today and took his picture after he just got through scruffing around in one of the beds. Isn't he a hoot? He looks like he stuck his paw in a light socket. As you can see by the look on his face he is not happy with us at all. In fact if he could have got his paws on the camera he would have surely made sure it never worked again!
September 28, 2018

Hi Everyone,
We pupsters would like to introduce our new brothers and sister. Now, they are all very, very shy, but we pupsters will change that! By the time we are done teaching them the ropes they will be ready to look for their Forever Homes. Butters is a very handsome, energetic liver boy and we girls are in love again.

Then there is Turbo and we girls think he is the most handsome black boy we have ever seen…well, except for Barone of course.

And we boys are absolutely infatuated with Kinsey…she has this soft silver liver coat..we have added her to our little black books.
We are even sharing our toys with them!!
September 30, 2018

Another month has ended already. We pupsters surely enjoyed September. We had nice warm weather and got a lot of sun bathing in. Of course we know what is right around the corner, but most of us love to romp and play in that white stuff! Culley here enjoying a few of the toys. I lovvvvvve toys…they are my passion! I am already filling out my list for Santa you know. I am asking for every color toy there is. I don't think that is too much for a pupster to ask for, do you? We'll see you in October!