December 1, 2018

Well, here we go!! Mom goes absolutely nutso at Christmas time. She gets all of this stuff out and particularly likes to drive us crazy with her animated, talking animals. Now mind you we have to listen to the narrative and are not allowed to make any effort to quiet them…if you know what we mean.
December 4, 2018

All of we pupsters thought you might like to take a peek at what it is like here when it is time for us to dine. We eat a raw diet and love, love, love it! Mom prepares our plates and we all line up in anticipation of our food. We each have our own special place and are so good about not stealing each others food…anyway most of us are. Mom stands right there and supervises so the food thieves aren't successful!
December 8, 2018

Presto reporting in. You know my input is those beds Mom and Dad give us are just too small. I don't understand why we pupsters don't get the same size bed as our parents. I really think we all need at least a queen size bed so we are more comfortable. So, I have let Mom and Dad know by taking over their bed. I have a feeling they may not be too receptive to my input, but a pupster can only try!
December 12, 2018

Hey Mom, if you are missing a plate we know who has it!! You might want to consider going back to the ceramic plates because it is too easy for Prescott to carry off these kind of plates. He actually managed to swipe this away from one of the pupsters while they were eating, carried it to the bed carefully with food intact and munched away. He doesn't even feel a bit guilty by depriving someone of their dinner!!
December 16, 2018

Wow, look at this! Phoebe (fka Dacey) visited Santa Claus. She said he was so nice to her and when she pulled out her list of all of the things she wanted for Christmas he promised he would see what he could do for her. She said she would let us know about the goodies she gets and wished us a very Merry Christmas.
December 20, 2018

And the fun begins!! We pupsters love this time of year. All kinds of packages arrive for us and we get so excited. Mom and Dad let us open one present on Christmas Eve, but we have to wait for the rest because Santa comes when we are asleep. We try to stay awake to see his arrival, but we always fall asleep before he arrives. We are up bright and early on Christmas day and he never disappoints us!
December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas everyone!! We pupsters are having a fantastic day and hope all of you are enjoying your time with family and friends as we are. This s such a wonderful time of year where everyone comes together. Lots of hugs coming your way!
December 31, 2018

It makes no difference if we are young or if we are old,
It makes no difference if we are black or if we are gold.
It makes no difference where we came from or why,
It makes no difference if we are afraid and so shy.
It makes no difference if we are arthritic and blind,
For Mom and Dad just don’t seem to mind!
All of we pupsters have so much to be thankful for within the past 12 months. We have been welcomed into our new home and loved beyond measure no matter what issues we have…emotional or physical. We have met so many new friends. We have watched as many of our brothers and sisters have found wonderful, loving homes. As we close this year, we want to thank all of you who have supported us. One of the most important things that we learn from Mom and Dad is that we are all equal, that sharing and cuddling close helps us become healthy and whole. As all of you begin the New Year, we hope that you will all open your hearts to those that are in need.