November 1, 2018

Welcome to November everyone!! Cady here. I just recently joined the PATR Pupsters. I am such a sweet little girl. I have my paws crossed that I will find my Forever Home before long although I love everyone here for they are so good to me. I am certainly enjoying all of the lovin' I am receiving!
November 3, 2018

We pupsters want to wish Tootsie a wonderful 14th birthday. Her sponsor Mom and Dad sent her this wonderful card and some other goodies. We are so happy for her, but wish she would share some of the new toys with us. She says no way…she has earned every goody that was sent to her. Geez, what a party pooper!!
November 6, 2018

Well, we pupsters all made it to the polls today…we hope all of you did also. We are all so fortunate to live in the USA! So, most of we pupsters voted for Dawg Dugan for he promised he would abolish all puppy mills. Then we voted yes on Proposal 1 which makes drinking out of the toilet pupster legal and no more timeouts are to be given. We also voted yes to Proposal 2 where poop eating is now acceptable. We did vote no on Proposal 3 which limited treats to only three times per day. So we hope we win in all areas that we voted for.
November 9, 2018

Well, Crimson here will be leaving today and I am having a really hard time saying goodbye. I have given my hugs to all of the pupsters and now I am holding my favorite toy as close as I can. Auntie Jan and Unkie Bruce said I could take it with me and that all will be well. I know I am going to be loved beyond measure in my new home, but I am so going to miss everyone here!
November 12, 2018

You know Vince we pupsters do not think your antics are funny at all. Give us a break! You jump, roll and basically act like a clown thinking that will win you friends. Why can't you just be yourself? You know we pupsters really like you a lot and know there is a super sweet pupster guy under all of this bravado.
November 15, 2018

OK, Mom time to have a talk with Turbo. YUK, he refuses to use a kleenex…this is disgusting! While you are at it you may want to talk to him about some of his other bad habits. Butt slapping is one…he walks around like he is king of the pupsters, gives you a big butt slap and thinks it is cool. AND he is constantly sneaking up and pulling our tails. Time to get the Pupster Etiquette Book out, sit him down and make him read it from front to back!
November 18, 2018

Rascal here knows it has only been a few days since Turbo went to his Forever Home, but it seems like an eternity to me already. I know Butters and Turbo were play buddies, but now Butters has turned his attention to me and I really am not into his rough play tactics like Turbo was. So Mom you need to do something about it. Right now I have him under control, but it won't last for long and he will be pulling my tail again. I just am not going to put up with this much longer!!
November 22, 2018

We all hope that you had a wonderful day today sharing with family and friends. We have so very much to be thankful for. We sometimes forget how good our lives are. Each day is a day to be thankful for there is always something wonderful that happens in our lives.
We pupsters had a wonderful time today. Boy, that turkey smelled sooooo good and then there were the pies baking and the list goes on. The best part was how fantastic the turkey tasted…yum, yum, yum!!
November 25, 2018

Well Mom, Abbie here doesn't really want to complain too much, but I think you may want to change some of the pupster's diet program. To put it nicely some of them are a bit gassy and yuk, I just cannot tolerate it much longer. Of course the pupster boys think it is funny and deliberately get as close as they can and just let loose! It is getting very, very irritating to say the least. If change in diet doesn't take care of it would you please get me one of those little white masks??????
November 30, 2018

You mean I have to put them back in the toy box? In my opinion that would be a total waste of time because someone will just get them out again. Sometimes Mom I believe you just do not think things through properly. I just don't get why any pupster should take the time to do something so it can be undone if you know what I mean. Well, when you put it that way guess Laddie here had best get my butt in gear and pick these toys up. Frankly taking away treats is a bit to the extreme, don't you think? Ok, Ok I'm on it!! Hope I can get everything put away before next month hits!!!