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Peke A Tzu Rescue
Foster Journal

Please click on the image below to join our Facebook Family where we share updates on our little ones, pictures, memories and more.


We thought all of you out there would like to see what happens here in our home so we decided we would pop in on occasion and let you know what we are doing. Some days it is just the same old routine, but other times we have a lot of excitement.
Each night as we settle down and climb into bed we gather close and say a prayer for all of the pupsters that are in need.

For those of you who may not have the opportunity to meet our pupsters we welcome you to
Visit our Sanctuary.

We hope you enjoy hearing about our activities and seeing a few pictures. The majority of the time you will see us happy, healthy and well groomed, but there is a significant cost involved to get each of us to this point which can be viewed at Foster Vetting Costs..
If you would like to help with our vetting costs please let all know about our Magazine Fundraiser

Magazine Subscription
Fundraiser 40% for the Dogs

October 2018 Journal April 2018 Journal
November 2018 Journal May 2018 Journal
December 2018 Journal June 2018 Journal
January 2019 Journal July 2018 Journal
February 2019 Journal    August 2018 Journal
March 2019 Journal    September 2018 Journal

March 1, 2019

We have been posting our journal since 2004. Within the past few years visitors to the journal have decreased significantly. Technology has changed so much within the past 15 years that we now feel we can reach more people through Facebook. So those of you who have been our faithful visitors, we now ask that you visit Facebook to keep updated on the babies.

Goodsearch: You Search...We Give!

Copyright© 2004 - 2019, Peke A Tzu Rescue.  All Rights Reserved.
Pekingese Rescue, Shih Tzu Rescue, Maltese Rescue, Poodle Rescue & Yorkie Rescue.
Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
Do not take anything from the site without permission.