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Happy (Shih Tzu) joined us in November 2018. Happy's Dad was working long hours and did not have the time to spend with Happy so she joined PATR. Her name fit her well. She woke up with her tail wagging and went to sleep with her tail wagging. She was so loving and her favorite place was our laps. We will miss her sweet kisses.
HappyMom & Dad Teresa & Rick
Happy is being lavished with love by her Forever Mom & Dad Teresa and Rick in Michigan.

Vincent (fka Frisco Poodle) joined us in October 2013. One of our adopter's in California was volunteering at a shelter. Frisco had been adopted and returned a few times due to nipping. He was facing euthanization. Our adopter could not bare the thought of seeing him taken from this world so she flew him to us. He was such a sweet little boy and not once did he exhibit any kind of aggression. We grew to love him so. We are thrilled he has finally found his home.
VincentMom Holly
Vincent has found true love with his Forever Mom Holly in Michigan.

Diva (fka Camilla Shih Tzu) joined us in March 2018. Diva was a retired breeder. She was so shy and withdrawn when she first arrived. She would run from us whenever approached. We did not begin our search for a home for her for quite some time. Patience and love eventually brought her out of her shell and she gradually began to trust us. Once she knew she was safe she became quite the little clown. We adored her!
DivaMom Jerris
Diva is settling in with her Forever Mom Jerris and Uncle Rick and has joined our sweet pupster Baby in Michigan.

Higgins (Shih Tzu) joined us in March 2018. Higgins had retired from the breeding world. He was a bit shy when he first arrived, but it didn't take him long to get comfortable. He had a great time with the other pupsters and he loved to be held and cuddled. What a sweet little boy!
HigginsMom & Dad Mary and Todd
Higgins is enjoying his new life with his Forever Mom & Dad Mary and Todd in Michigan.

Carleigh (Shih Tzu) joined us in December 2018. Carleigh was a retired breeder. She was the most loving cuddliest little girl and gave the best kisses ever. She was so gentle and loving and we are going to miss her so much.
CarleighMom & Dad Jackie and Harold
Carleigh is filling her Forever Mom & Dad Jackie and Harold's life with joy in Michigan.

Frida (fka JULISSA Shih Tzu) joined us in September 2018. Julissa was a very shy girl when she first arrived. With lots of patience and love she knew she was safe. When her personality emerged it was amazing. She was so curious about life and quite the character. She certainly livened things up here!
FridaMom & Dad Alejandra and Carlos
Frida has definitely livened up her Forever Mom & Dad Alejandra and Carlos's life and loves her pupster brother Nacho in Michigan.

Abbie (Shih Tzu) joined us in March 2018. Abbie was a retired breeder. The minute we saw her we fell in love. She was such a sweet, gentle little soul. As time passed she began to trust all around her. Her favorite past time was throwing toys in the air...it was so much fun to watch her. We shall miss her sweet kisses.
AbbieMom & Dad Erika and Gary
Abbie is enjoying her lap time with her Forever Mom & Dad Erika and Gary and loves her pupster sister and brother Treasure and Okie in Indiana.
Our sweet Abbie left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on December 22, 2024.

Sylvie (Shih Tzu) joined us in December 2018. Sylvie had retired from the breeding world. What an absolutely adorable little girl. She did have a mind of her own and considered herself the Queen of the Pupsters. She wanted nothing more than being in our laps as much as possible and gave such wonderful kisses.
SylvieMom & Dad Karmen and Jim
Sylvie is enjoying all of the attention from her Forever Mom & Dad Karmen & Jim in Canada.

Penelope (Shih Tzu) joined us in September 2018. Penelope had retired from the breeding world. She arrived very, very shy, afraid of quick movement and was terrified of men. Once she felt she was safe she began to romp and play with the other pupsters. She was such a beautiful sweet little girl. We shall miss her!
PenelopeMom Julie
Penelope loves her Forever Mom Julie and is enjoying the company of her pupster brother Eddie in Ohio.

Kisses (Shih Tzu) joined us in June 2018. Kisses was a retired breeder. She was a challenge for she was so shy. If you moved too fast, if there was any noise she would bolt. When you put her food down for her it had to be done very carefully and she would still blink her little eyes in fear. She left us much more confident in herself and we know her Mom will complete the healing process through lots and lots of love.
KissesMom Gina
Kisses has her Forever Mom Gina all to herself and is lovin' it in Michigan.

Cashew (Shih Tzu Terrier Mix) joined us in December 2018. Cashew's Mom and Dad experienced some health issues and just did not have the time for him. He was so darn cute we couldn't ever say no to him. He loved everyone he met and was quite the character. Cashew had us wrapped right around his little paws.
CashewDad Igor
Cashew's Dad Igor will make sure he becomes famous in New York.

Megan (fka Gayla Shih Tzu) joined us in December 2018. Megan was a retired breeder. She was a shy little girl at first, but it didn't take her long to get comfortable. She had such a sweet disposition and was so loving. As with many of our fosters she had us wrapped right around her little paws.
MeganMom Susan
Megan has won her Mom Susan's heart and is enjoying her pupster sisters and brothers Sidney, Shadow, Timmy and Pepper. She also thinks her feline siblings Simba and Stubby are great. She love her new state Wisconsin.

Banji (Shih Tzu) joined us in May 2019. Banji was going to be a breeder, but he would not perform. Banji was your typical happy, loving and very busy puppy. We so enjoyed his antics and he surely kept us on our toes! BanjiMom & Dad Susan and Jim
Banji enoys being the one and only and loves his Forever Mom & Dad Susan and Jim in Michigan.

Tucker (Shih Tzu) joined us in March 2019. Tucker was a retired breeder. He is a very special guy. During his surgery for a routine neuter procedure his heart stopped and we nearly lost him. Thanks to our wonderful vet he survived. Tests were done and he had a heart condition where his little heart did not beat normally. His condition will need to be monitored on a regular basis and we are hoping he will have a long life. He was so sweet and lovable and definitely captured our hearts.
TuckerDad Keith
Tucker has his Dad Keith wrapped right around his little paws and he and his pupster brother Cooper are best friends in Indiana.
Our sweet Tucker left all of those who loved him and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on March 4, 2023.

Panda and Pickles (Shih Tzu Mixes) joined us in June 2019. They were found as strays by a neighbor nearby. She gave us a ring and we took them in. Attempts were made to locate their owners with no response so they became part of the PATR gang. Both were amazing little boys. So sweet and cuddly. They were busy little boys and definitely kept us busy.
Mom & Dad Rose & Richard
Panda and Pickles are certainly keeping their Forever Mom & Dad Rose and Richard busy and love their pupster and sister Moka & Hannah in Michigan.

Vince (Shih Tzu) joined us in September 2018. He was turned over by his owner due to agression issues. We worked with him for quite some time and he overcame his aggressiveness. He loved his toys and was a sweet, sweet little boy.
Skylar(Bichon Shih Tzu Mix) joined us in May 2019. She was a retired breeder. Skylar was a little doll baby and so loving. Both will be missed.
Mom & Dad Pat and Joseph
Vince and Skylar adore their Forever Mom & Dad Pat and Joseph in Michigan.

Prizzy (Pekingese) joined us in May 2015. Prizzy was found as a stray and a veterinarian took her in so she would not go through the stress of being placed in a shelter. Prizzy was blind in one eye, but it did not slow her down at all. She was a very sweet little Pekey girl and gave the best kisses ever. We adored her!
PrizzyDad Paul
Prizzy loves her Forever Mom & Dad Dana and Paul and enjoys her pupster sister Ruby in Michigan.

Ainsley (Shih Tzu) joined us in May 2019. Ainsley was a retired breeder. She arrived a bit shy, but it didn't take long for her bubbly, happy personality to emerge. She was an absolute joy and so much fun. What a sweet, sweet little girl. AinsleyMom & Dad Lora and Rod
Ainsley adores her Forever Mom & Dad Lora and Rod and is enjoying her sister Scarlett in Michigan.
Our sweet Ainsley left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on February 8, 2025.

Culley (Shih Tzu) joined us in March 2018. Culley had retired from the breeding world. He was quiet at first, but it didn't take him long to show us what a great, loving personality he had. He was quite the little clown and he loved his toys. He gave us so much joy watching him bounce around with tail wagging. We miss him. CulleyMom & Dad Cathy & Charles
Culley is keeping smiles on his Forever Mom & Dad Cathy and Charles faces and loves his pupster sister Maggie in Michigan.

Elwood (fka BEEPER Yorkshire Terrier) joined us in November 2016. Elwood was a retired breeder. He had the best little personality and was a talker. When he wanted something he let us know. He was a lover and his kisses were very special. He had many meet and greets, but was never chosen. They say good things sometimes take awhile. He is now living with the best Mom and Dad ever who have adopted several of our senior and special needs babies. We are thrilled for him. ElwoodMom & Dad Pam & Dan
Elwood is keeping his Forever Mom & Dad Pam and Dan entertained and loves his siblings in Michigan.
Our sweet Elwood left all of those who loved him and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on April 4, 2020.

Remi (Yorkshire Terrier) joined us in August 2019. Remi was the cutest most loving little Yorkie we have had in our care. She won our hearts immediately. There was not a boring minute in our day once she arrived. She was happy when she woke up and her tail was still wagging happily when she retired for the day. We miss her.
RemiDad Harry
Remi has won her Forever Mom & Dad Toni and Harry's hearts and loves her pupster sisters Jodi and Libbi in Michigan.

Hannah (FKA Seanna Shih Tzu) joined us in May 2019. Hannah had retired from the breeder world. She was a bit shy, but when she came out of her shell she was quite the character. She loved the other pupsters here and was constantly on the go. What a sweet, sweet little girl.
HannahMom Donna
Hannah adores her Mom Donna and thinks her feline sister Abbey is really nice in Michigan.

Curtsey (Shih Tzu) joined us in November 2015. Curtsey was a retired breeder and absolutely terrified of everyone. It took over two years to help her get past her fear. Slowly she began to trust and became our "Wild Child". Her curiosity was endless and she heard the words "We do not do that here" often. We sure do miss her.
CurtseyMom Cathy
Curtsey is keeping her Forever Mom & Dad Cathy & Roger very busy and loves her pupster sister Snickers in Massachusetts.

Lila (Shih Tzu) joined us in October 2019. Lila had retired from the breeding world. She was a bit shy when she arrived, but it didn't take her long and she was having the time of her life. She was one busy little girl and thought she was the queen of the house. She loved romping and playing with the other pupsters and laptime was her favorite time of day.
LilaDad Keith
Lila is lovin' life with her Dad Keith and was thrilled to see our Tucker once again and thinks Cooper is the best pupster brother ever in Indiana.

Laddie (Pekingese) joined us in March 2014. Laddie had been dumped at a shelter, was food aggressive and was facing euthanization. We received a call to help him and immediately made arrangements to bring him into our fold. Laddie was a handful for quite some time, but we didn't give up. Love does conquer all and eventually he realized that being a good little boy earned him so much love and cuddles he decided life was really good. We were thrilled when we received an application for him. We know how much our little red boy has to give and we know his Mom and Dad will receive all his love.
LaddieMom Sandee and Tom
Laddie is so glad to have found such a wonderful loving home with his Forever Mom & Dad Sandee & Tom, enjoys his pupster siblings Soi and Sassee and loves his feline siblings Midget and Tiger in Michigan.
Our sweet Laddie left all of those who loved him and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on January 2, 2022.

Bree (Shih Tzu) joined us in August 2019. Bree was a retired breeder. She was such a beautiful little girl and entertained us with her clownish personality. She enjoyed life to the fullest while with us and we fell head over heels in love with her.
BreeMom Amy and Tony
Bree has won her Forever Mom & Dad Amy & Tony's hearts and is romping and playing with her pupster sister Bella in Michigan.

Coco (fka VANNA Yorkie Shih Tzu Mix) joined us in October 2019. Coco arrived at PATR due to kennel downsizing by her breeder. She was quite the little character and sure kept us on our toes. She was one busy little girl. She loved to be held and cuddled and we just could not resist her charm.
VannaMom Pamela
Coco is keeping her Mom Pamela very busy and loves playing with her pupster brother Mulligan in Michigan.

Winnie (Shih Tzu) joined us in August 2019. Winnie was an owner turn in. The owners had cats and Winnie did not get along with them. He arrived a bit withdrawn, but with lots of love and attention he began to get comfortable. He was a sweet, loving little boy with the most beautiful eyes that melted our hearts.
WinnieMom Judy
Winnie is giving his Mom Ruth all of his love in Michigan.

Jory (Shih Tzu) joined us in May 2019. Jory had a cleft plate and a cervical spine issue which effected his coordination. He was an adorable, loving, sweet little boy and we loved him dearly. He loved to be held and would snuggle right in.
Tandy(Shih Tzu) joined us in October 2019. She was a retired breeder. She was quite shy when she arrived, but with lots of love she blossomed into a loving little girl.
Mom & Uncle Melodie & John
Jory & Tandy love their Forever Mom & Uncle Melodie and John and are snuggling with their pupster brother and sister Zachary and Sweet Pea in Arkansas.

Margo (fka COREEN Shih Tzu) joined us in October 2019. Margo had retired from the breeding world. Margo was an absolute sweetheart who wanted nothing more than to be held and cuddled. She loved the other pupsters here and loved to play and play. We could not resist giving her anything she wanted when she looked at us with those beautiful eyes.
MargoMom Teresa
Margo is loved beyond measure by her Mom Teresa in Michigan.

Henry (fka COPPER Shih Tzu) joined us in October 2019. Henry was a retired breeder. He was a bit shy when he first arrived, but once comfortable he was quite the character. He loved playing with the PATR crew and made sure he received his share of hugs and kisses. It didn't take us long to fall in love with him. We will miss him.
HenryMom Kristin & Robert
Henry is enjoying life to the fullest with his Forever Mom & Dad Kristin & Robert and enjoys the company of his feline sister Juliette in Michigan.

Dixie (fka LARKIN Shih Tzu) joined us in November 2019. Dixie had retired from the breeding world. She was as cute as a little button and what a sweetie! She loved the other pupsters and always joined in with the Shih Tzu Blitz. She gave the best slurpy kisses ever and we so enjoyed cuddling her close.
DixieMom Michelle & Chris
Dixie has settled right in with her Forever Mom & Dad Michelle & Chris and feline siblings Daisy, Benny, Poppy and Cleo in Indiana.

Dezi (fka DESTINY Shih Tzu) joined us in July 2019. Dezi's owner had to go into assisted living and at 12 years old she found herself alone. We received a call and immediately welcomed her into our home. Dezi was sight and hearing impaired, but just the sweetest little girl so full of love. She captured our hearts and we were thrilled when she found her home.
DeziMom Barb & Cary
Dezi is so happy she found such a loving home with her Forever Mom & Dad Barb & Cary in Michigan.

Waldo and Wrigley(fka Wiggles) (Bichon Maltese Mixes) joined us in June 2019. Waldo and Wrigley had a very rough year prior to joining PATR. Their Mom passed away and they were left in the house by themselves. Someone would stop in and feed them when necessary. Another wonderful rescue was able to save them and they then joined PATR. Both were such sweet little boys just full of love. They wanted nothing more than to be held and cuddled. They got along great with the other pupsters and loved romping and playing with them. We are so happy they have found their special home together.
Waldo & WrigleyMom & Dad Deanna & Barry
Waldo and Wrigley are filling their Forever Mom & Dad Deanna and Barry's hearts with joy in Michigan.

Cosmo (Poodle) joined us in September 2019. Cosmo's Mom had to go into assisted living and he needed someone to help him. There was no family who felt they could care for him. He was the most loving little boy and what a character! You didn't dare leave anything loose around such as shoes or socks or he was off and running with them. He also would pounce at us to get our attention. He was an absolute joy!
CosmoMom Joan
Cosmo is so happy he found his home with his Mom Joan and is cuddling close with his pupster brother Beau in Michigan.

Millie (fka SIMONE Shih Tzu) joined us in October 2019. Millie's breeder turned her over to PATR due to kennel downsizing. She was such a sweet baby and on the go every minute her little eyes were open. She was one energized little girl and certainly kept us on our toes. She loved to be cuddled and gave the best kisses ever.
MillieMom & Dad Teha & Pat
Millie is giving all of her love to her Forever Mom & Dad Teha & Pat and adores her pupster brother Jack in Kentucky.

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Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
Photos of Peke A Tzu Rescue adopted furbabies belong to the pet's owners.
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